Seriously Training Peaks!

Okay, I am not normally one to vent. But Training Peaks has become incredibly stagnant over the past few years and now they are adding a payment collection service!!!
Ridiculous. Put that development time into something that helps people train and coach better.
Let us adjust the start of the week or have better communication and analysis tools. PAYMENTS!! This is really where they put their time!!

Well I guess it is cause they can collect a % of every invoice, but still it’s ridiculous…
Vent over

I’m with you! The frequent downtime lately is worrying as well. I’m also not sure what wko brings to the table anymore

Is anybody else experiencing a bug where the TSS estimated for runs (based on heart rate, ostensibly) is in the thousands per run? I am and one other dude is as well.

This is the way with companies. Capture the market through an increasingly useful product, slash finding for improvement, increase rates, golden parachutes before competition takes over.

Trainingpeaks has the preponderance of coached athletes and a plurality of serious self coached. Strava premium is a different product. There is zero reason for them to spend more money on improvement.

They are in the “private equity milking every cent of profit and cutting costs” phase :slight_smile:

This is the way with companies. Capture the market through an increasingly useful product, slash finding for improvement, increase rates, golden parachutes before competition takes over.
Trainingpeaks has the preponderance of coached athletes and a plurality of serious self coached. Strava premium is a different product. There is zero reason for them to spend more money on improvement.

Sad but true!

The amount of basic stuff i would expect in there but isnt is insane!
No visuals of kind showing summarizations etc.

So as a coach using TP, how am I affected? Is this for training plans?

I had that issue, the solution was changing the power in runs

I don’t think this is a trainingpeaks issue, it’s a garmin(or other brand) issue where it’s giving you a “power” number for your running now. Garmin went through an update last year where all my athletes using them suddenly had this issue and the way to fix it is to go into your trainingpeaks settings and adjust your run power FTP to a more accurate number.

You’ll probably find that your HR and pace zones are set accurately, but your run power zones are way low.

now they are adding a payment collection service!!!

To be fair other coaching platforms have a billing component, not all but several.

One way to look at it is Training peaks or TP as I refer to it, is actually stepping into current times.

I agree w/ whomever said WKO has been stagnant

I just want my weeks to start on Sunday in TP

Is that too much to ask?!?

I just want my weeks to start on Sunday in TP

Is that too much to ask?!?

What kind of animal are you!?

I just want my weeks to start on Sunday in TP

Is that too much to ask?!?

What kind of animal are you!?


The fact that indoor cycling still isn’t available as a ride type category is completely mind boggling. How has this not been top of the dev list for years?

I just want my weeks to start on Sunday in TP

Is that too much to ask?!?

What kind of animal are you!?

laser, obviously

Here’s an ignorant POV (mine): Why would someone use TP over

I briefly tried TP and found it clunky and it had the stench of legacy software all over it.

The dev is incredibly responsive, and I’ve been happy with most daily-use aspects of it for over two years now.

Is this just a typical internet whinge job or what? What so hard about using TP? It couldn’t get much easier, drag and drop, comments and feedback super easy to add and review, metrics easy to see, even sleep, HR and body battery etc. What’s the problem…?

As a coach who has to deal with sending Venmo, PayPal, and check requests, I feel like this will be a useful feature. I can just manage all of my athlete payments in one place and not have to worry about chasing down money. Seems like its a good tool for coaches.

I just want my weeks to start on Sunday in TP

Is that too much to ask?!?

What kind of animal are you!?

laser, obviously


Just someone who’s work week runs Sunday-Saturday and the whole start the week on Monday throws me off

Do you have a link for that? I can’t find anything