Serious question about presidency and SC

So lets assume DJT wins and finally loads the SC

At the following election, were a Dem to win and for example decided that the chevron ruling is not the right direction of travel and they want to tighten environmental regulation - can they or will they constantly be at war with the SC

Is there any recourse to changing the balance of the SC other than waiting for them to die?

Sure. Get control of House and Senate and pass a law expanding the court. Then pack it with Judges of your choosing.

Pretty sure that is how it would work.

Feel free to correct me everyone.

How would Trump load the Supreme Court?

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

How would Trump load the Supreme Court?

It already is loaded.

That’s been mentioned before. Once you open that can of worms you end up with the house of Lords and 600 judges…tongue in cheek

Who sets retirement age for them

Can you change the length of their term?

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

If Trump wins, there’s no way in hell any of the Democrat Judges will retire.

Who sets retirement age for them

They are appointed for life. Or if they choose to step down.

How would Trump load the Supreme Court?

You’re right. He already did that.

Can you change the length of their term?

That would probably require an Amendment to the Constitution (I could be wrong). Good luck with that.

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

Thomas is 75, Alito is 73.

If these two retire, and trump appoints them with 50 year olds, thats a majority on the court for 20+ years.

However, if Trump is elected, and history repeats itself, there will be a massive blue wave in 2026. This would give control of the senate back to the demmies. (NC, Maine, Iowa, Alaska, SC and possible texas, Montana, Mississippi, kansas would be in play).

So they would have to retire in the first two years.

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

Thomas is 75, Alito is 73.

If these two retire, and trump appoints them with 50 year olds, thats a majority on the court for 20+ years.

However, if Trump is elected, and history repeats itself, there will be a massive blue wave in 2026. This would give control of the senate back to the demmies. (NC, Maine, Iowa, Alaska, SC and possible texas, Montana, Mississippi, kansas would be in play).

So they would have to retire in the first two years.

There’s no way Thomas retires. He enjoys the “gifts” far too much.

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

I can’t imagine any left leaning justices willing to retire while trump is in office. Some of the older conservative ones might, but then they wouldn’t be in a position to reap all of those benefits like free travel and RVs - so they might be hesitant to retire. So, I don’t think that trump can “load” the SCOTUS any more than he has, but he may be able to replace some of the older ones with younger ones.

On that note. It disgusts me that interpretations of the constitution are done based on political leanings. As someone who was deeply conservative and still leans that way - I don’t like to see rulings that have an appearance of having been made on the basis of favoring one politician and/or party.

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

If Trump wins, there’s no way in hell any of the Democrat Judges will retire.

I agree, but other things happen…someone could have a heart attack.

I could also see Roberts resigning…then Trump would get to nominate the Chief.

Conservative Justices could also retire; if Trump appoints their successor it would further extend an extremely conservative court.

Finally, if just one justice retires in the next term it means Trump will have appointed four justices…have we ever had a President appoint that many justices? Principally, I’m not thrilled with a single person having that much sway.


Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

Thomas is 75, Alito is 73.

If these two retire, and trump appoints them with 50 year olds, thats a majority on the court for 20+ years.

However, if Trump is elected, and history repeats itself, there will be a massive blue wave in 2026. This would give control of the senate back to the demmies. (NC, Maine, Iowa, Alaska, SC and possible texas, Montana, Mississippi, kansas would be in play).

So they would have to retire in the first two years.

There’s no way Thomas retires. He enjoys the “gifts” far too much.

Someone could pay him a very big gift to retire.

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

If Trump wins, there’s no way in hell any of the Democrat Judges will retire.

I agree, but other things happen…someone could have a heart attack.

I could also see Roberts resigning…then Trump would get to nominate the Chief.

Conservative Justices could also retire; if Trump appoints their successor it would further extend an extremely conservative court.

Finally, if just one justice retires in the next term it means Trump will have appointed four justices…have we ever had a President appoint that many justices? Principally, I’m not thrilled with a single person having that much sway.


it would also be the only president who nominated multiple judges based on a simple majority. All of the justices appointed by trump are very hard right. This should not be what anyone wants (same with the lower courts).

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

Thomas is 75, Alito is 73.

If these two retire, and trump appoints them with 50 year olds, thats a majority on the court for 20+ years.

However, if Trump is elected, and history repeats itself, there will be a massive blue wave in 2026. This would give control of the senate back to the demmies. (NC, Maine, Iowa, Alaska, SC and possible texas, Montana, Mississippi, kansas would be in play).

So they would have to retire in the first two years.

I think you’re missing the point - if Trump is elected and they institute Project 2025, there won’t be any blue wave - there won’t be any red wave either.

Can you change the length of their term?

That would probably require an Amendment to the Constitution (I could be wrong). Good luck with that.

Arguably it wouldn’t. Article three says “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour”. If you exceed your term limit, you are not in good behavior.

The issue here is that the justices can just ignore a term limit law and declare it unconstitutional, because they feel like it.

So lets assume DJT wins and finally loads the SC

At the following election, were a Dem to win and for example decided that the chevron ruling is not the right direction of travel and they want to tighten environmental regulation - can they or will they constantly be at war with the SC

Is there any recourse to changing the balance of the SC other than waiting for them to die?

keep your eye on President Biden. He is going to propose some changes soon.

They won’t fly but like giving away college loan money (that the SC ruled against) he will be doing it in a desperate attempt to gin up support from his party.

Are we not expecting any retirements in the next x years? Which he would get to appoint to?

Thomas is 75, Alito is 73.

If these two retire, and trump appoints them with 50 year olds, thats a majority on the court for 20+ years.

However, if Trump is elected, and history repeats itself, there will be a massive blue wave in 2026. This would give control of the senate back to the demmies. (NC, Maine, Iowa, Alaska, SC and possible texas, Montana, Mississippi, kansas would be in play).

So they would have to retire in the first two years.

I’m sorry to inform you that you’re completely mistaken about Alaska. Not only is the state overwhelmingly red, one of the senators (Murkowski) is a competent moderate and has considerable support from the left and center in Alaska. The other senator (Sullivan) is a Trumpist weasel, but it’s exceedingly unlikely that he will be dislodged.