Sending info from Garmin 310XT... ANT device not working?

On the first day I used my Garmin 310XT it was a hassle to get it snyced up to the computer. I had to download things like 3 times each. Finally it worked. I had things imported onto the slowtwitch training log, GTC, and sport tracks so I new it was working. Well today I have tried like 10 times to get it to work. I have restarted my PC multiple times. I have the ANT device in my USB slot and it beeps when it enters. When I have my watch next to it does nothing… Shouldn’t it snyc automatically? I even went into the settings and changed it to sync auto. I looked down in my bottom right PC toolbar and the ANT agent icon has a red slash through it and it says this when I click on it:

Connection status:
USB ANT™ stick: not active
No device

How to I switch it to active?

Anyone else have this problem?


I had a similar problem with mine. I fixed it by making sure the version of software on the wrist unit was the same version as what was in the computer associated with the ANT device. I ended up having to put in an older version of the software in the computer and then it worked fine. It does always ask to update the software when I restart the computer, but I just keep telling it “no” and it has not been a problem.

How do I check it is is the same and if it is not, how do I downgrade?
Is there a way to upgrade the device on my computer so I can have the most up to date version on my watch?

Is there a way to manually turn on the ANT device?

Had the same problem last week. I called the 800 # and they took care of it right over the phone…took a bit of time bu tall set now.

Could you possibly PM me the steps. Or were there too many steps? Any other feedback?

On the first day I used my Garmin 310XT it was a hassle to get it snyced up to the computer. I had to download things like 3 times each. Finally it worked. I had things imported onto the slowtwitch training log, GTC, and sport tracks so I new it was working. Well today I have tried like 10 times to get it to work. I have restarted my PC multiple times. I have the ANT device in my USB slot and it beeps when it enters. When I have my watch next to it does nothing… Shouldn’t it snyc automatically? I even went into the settings and changed it to sync auto. I looked down in my bottom right PC toolbar and the ANT agent icon has a red slash through it and it says this when I click on it:

Connection status:
USB ANT™ stick: not active
No device

How to I switch it to active?

Anyone else have this problem?


I’ve had lots of trouble with the ANT device on mine. I had to do a hard reset of my watch to get it to start syncing again, then I updated the ANT software and the firmware on the 310XT to the most recent version. It still doesn’t work half the time, but now when that happens I just have to unplug the ANT and replug it.

Wish Garmin made a hard-wire transfer option for the 310XT. Having to rely upon the stupid ANT is frustrating.