It was midnight on a regular weekday when I went to bed. I have had my average 45 minute run during lunch, 45 minute swim after work and lifted weights for about 60 minutes at the gym.
Next thing I know, I am at the emergency room with an epileptic seizure!
I am back at home, feeling alright but confused about training and other day to day routines. Did this happen to you before? Any ideas…?!
#1 doesn’t matter. You need to be spending a lot of time talking to a lot
of different doctors and figure out WTF is going on. Don’t be passive. See
a lot of them.
Sorry it happened, but now make sure it gets figure out.
get a good neuro and cardio vascular workup to make sure nothing is wrong (tumor, restrcited blood flow), sometimes people can have a seizure due to a vagal response and it means nothing but it is VERY IMPORTANT TO GET CHECKED AS IT CAN MEAN SOMETHING. If you get checked out and are in the clear then don’t stress about it as seizures on there own do no harm (unless you fall, are driving, etc). I have had about 4 over the last 10 years, always when I have a stomach bug/fever…scares the hell out of my wife but other than that no big deal…pm me if you have any additional questions and good luck.
YES. Out of No where last month. You can seach my post if you like as there was some really good replies. I actually just had my second EEG yesterday morning (a sleep deprived…ie. only 4 hours of sleep…which is normal anyway) I had a cold sore the week it happened (which is always due to stress for me) and I was training pretty hard that week and getting ready for Valentines Day (I’m in the restaurant biz). I went home the night before, had dinner, went to bed and had a seizure in my sleep. Scariest time of my life. I’ve gone thru all my testing and I’m completely normal (well…you know what I mean). The only thing with me is that 2 1/2 years ago I had a brain biopsy to check a spot they found during an MRI (I had some numbness on my right side). It was nothing but fluid that has since gone away, but in a sense, it’s like having scar tissue in the brain and stress just put me over the edge. Just out of curiosity, how is your water intake and have you been stessed (other than training)?
Thanks for all your responses.
My water intake was very low that day and even the day before wasnt much better either. I dont fell it like stress anymore, but my move to Germany in January, new Job and training for IM Switzerland and Clearwater has taken a lot out of me. I went through all tests yesterday, MRI and EEG, the Docs couldnt find anything. As of right now I will blame it on the low water intake and stress level.
Have you changed anything in your daily routine?
Like you, the MRI and EEG came up negative. I’ve simply been drinking at least a gallon of water per day and taking calcium-magnesium every night before bed. Kind of interesting that you had yours at around midnight as mine was right around the same time. Did you have any sickness leading up to the seizure ie: cold, flu, etc? It’s just crazy and it really freaked my wife out. She is wide awake every single time I make a sudden move in bed (sleeping that is). I took a couple of days off from training and did a 1/2 marathon a week later in 1:20 which I was happy with, but my back was sore for a few weeks from the seizure. I still go to bed everynight thinking about it hoping to God it doesn’t happen again, but moving forward, no one knows your body like you (and all of us crazy athletes) and the next time I am over stressed and get a cold sore I’m going on vacation immediately. Keep your head up and consider it a wake up call to live life with no regrets and don’t take training too seriously. We as triathletes are all a bit over the top and want so bad to be in kick ass shape constantly. I’m just trying to embrace it and have fun. Your health is truly your wealth!!!
Tbird, thanks for your encouraging words. I have taken a couple days of training now and I also plan a halfmaraton next weekend. Reading your response, I assume the race was no problem after the seizure?! Just as your wife, my girlfriend has had a very tough time sleeping after this dramatic night. She is wide awake every time I make a sudden move. All the best to you, regards.
Being that you had low oral intake, esp. fluids, and were under stress, my guess is that you had an electrolyte related seizure. That being said, I would continue to follow up with a neurologist.