Seinfeld vs office

I say Seinfeld, but my buddy says the office. What say you?




You’re kidding! The Office is a philosophical work (see )

Seinfeld is good, taking into account how many seasons they had keeping >95% jokes above the belt, but still.

I say Seinfeld, but my buddy says the office. What say you?

Original Brit Office, or cheap knockoff fake Office?


I will say, perhaps controversially, that neither of them hold up that well to repeat viewing in 2023.

That said, they’re two very different shows in comedic, visual, and thematic style. I’d have to give the slight edge to Seinfeld in that it will likely be remembered as more distinct and groundbreaking for it’s time, whereas The Office might fade into the broader category of workplace mockumentary comedies.

The Office. I can’t stand Seinfeld.

Seinfeld. When it was first run it was something to watch every week. So many quotable lines. I’ve seen The Office in reruns that some one might have on occasionally and might sit through part of an episode, but if I’ve ever completed one I don’t remember it…it’s more groans than laughs.

I don’t know. Granted that style of comedy is somewhat dated, there are so many great writing and acting performances I can’t file it in the doesn’t-hold-up category.

I’ve been rewatching lately and even with her accolades, Julia Louis-Dreyfus remains criminally underrated as a comedic actor.

The Office. I can’t stand Seinfeld.

“Costanza? More like… can’t stand ya!!”

For me, I think the challenge with Seinfeld is that it’s so inextricably tied to the early to mid 90s, and there’s a huge social and technological gap between then and now. The show ended almost a decade before the iPhone came out. There’s an entire episode that centers on an answering machine. I will occasionally rewatch episodes, but only if I’m in a nostalgic mood.

The latter

For me, I think the challenge with Seinfeld is that it’s so inextricably tied to the early to mid 90s, and there’s a huge social and technological gap between then and now. The show ended almost a decade before the iPhone came out. There’s an entire episode that centers on an answering machine. I will occasionally rewatch episodes, but only if I’m in a nostalgic mood.

I agree on the dated factor, that makes the earlier seasons hard to watch. But I just don’t think there is as clever as writing as in Seinfeld. I love the Office, it’s a great show, both the British and American versions. I just think Seinfeld is “better”. Not sure by what merric though.

Seinfeld was probably a better show with more real laughs but on rewatching I really want all the characters to fall into a wood chipper.

Seinfeld was probably a better show with more real laughs but on rewatching I really want all the characters to fall into a wood chipper.

I will occasionally rewatch episodes, but only if I’m in a nostalgic mood.

Tune in anytime 24/7

The British Office by a kilometre.

I couldn’t pick between the two, both stand up for me.

The old sit com I’ve tried to watch and it just falls completely flat now is Cheers.