Seeking radiologist help for MRI

Had an mri last month for on going knee injury and the imagine center’s radiologist seems to have given a quick once over and checked the box during their report.

Sports med doc who called it in was surprised as his review highlights several areas in question that were not noted in the report. This has created a disconnect and impacted the race season outcome.

Looking to connect with a radiologist to help provide a second opinion and possibly an updated report. Happy to compensation for time and expertise.

I’m not that type of doctor but I hope you can get answers. I’m waiting on an MRI for a painful injury and have a lot of empathy for your pain and injury. Hugs.

MD here.
You can ask for the scan to be reviewed/re-reported.
I work in Australia (not as a radiologist), and our units tend to have specialists in specific areas, eg musculoskeletal who will read these specific scans.
Your sports doc should be able to get it reviewed again and checked.
Good luck!

Hello, I am a radiologist. My advice to you would be to have the sports med doc contact the radiologist to place an addendum. If it is an actual miss than the radiologist will have no problem doing this. What is the discrepancy?

Hello, Thank you for weighing in!
I contacted the imagining center today and asked for a revaluation of the MRI. When I explained the discrepancy they took notes and said I should receive a new report in 48 hours. Holding my breath on that.

Will reach out to the sports med doc about an addendum as well.

Discrepancy paraphrase:

radiologist- completely clear report no concerns noted at all about the knee at all.

Sports med doc - grade 1 ACL stretch, medial posterior meniscus injury but not requiring surgery, bakers cyst in the back of the knee.

keep us updated as to what you find out. Many hugs.

Appreciate the follow up support. Contacted imaging center and requested second opinion and re-read. Imagining center states I should have a report within 48 hours. So far crickets after a week. Was trying to be patient but getting frustrated at this point.
Open to other suggestions and help.

I’d just call again and check in.

Does it really matter what the radiologist says if the sports med Doc has already diagnosed you? Personally, I trust the Dr more than the radiologists. I expect the Dr’s to review the MRI images themselves prior to reading the report. I know that doesn’t always happen but I try to ensure the Dr came with his/her own diagnosis and not just relied on the radiologist and MRI report.

I agree with your perspective and do trust my sports med Doc over the radiologist.
He did review it on his own and had made his own diagnosis but was surprised himself that it was different.

It does not matter from the perspective of the radiologist vs sports med Doc for myself. It is in order to have all reports to match the sports med doc in regards to submitting all of the requested documents for IM deferral. I apologize if I did not clarify that at the start.