Second Opinion on Fit

Just curious if I can get a second opinion on my fit. I am investing a large sum of money in my next bike and I am going off one mans opinion. While I value his position I just wanted to know if somebody else can check over my Retuel report and confirm his findings that way.

It may be more of a live in person but I just want peace of mind before dropping $7000 on a new bike …

Thanks in advance to any helpful hands.

If you feel you need a second opinion their must be questions about your fit. Get a second fit from someone you feel comfortable with and someone who is not selling you a bike.

i am happy to help

The bike I was fitted on was the wrong size so I can’t be 100% sure about it by the very nature of that. The fitter was not trying to sell me a bike as he was not affiliated with a bike shop in any way. I’m diligent when it comes to investments and that is not saying anything about the fitter but more so my own personality. Thanks for your feed back however.

Thanks Jonathan I sent you a PM with some details. Hope you don’t mind!!

I’ll throw my hat in the ring too in case you need another second opinion. Send me your fit report if you’d like!

One problem you have is that your asking us to confirm or find fault with an already generated Fit. While there may be something that stands out geometrically, without seeing how you look within that generated fit and without knowing something about your limitations and physical structure, the advice that can be given is extremely limited.

do you have pictures of you in your position from the fit that go with the data? Did the fitter generate a full 3D report of both your left and right side along with the bike geometry data? if you have complete reports body, notes, and bike then I would be happy to offer my opinion, but without a complete picture there is not much that can help.

That makes complete sense and I had to ask to make sure you, the gurus, confirm that’s the case. I’ve done what the others said to do, trust my fitter. He does this for a living and professional reputation is on the line with each fit he has no reason not to give me his opinion. I went ahead and purchased the bike in the size my fitter recommended and got an additional one for training as well. Now I’ll give him 2 bike to fit me on to thank him for his “full picture” advice.

Thanks to everybody on this thread who offered advice.