Sec Mayorkas impeached

Sec Mayorkas has been impeached by the House. After an embarrassing showing where they tried and failed to impeach him, they now were able to get the result they wanted by a single vote, 214 to 213 with 3 Reps voting with the Dems.

Republican Congressman French Hill explained exactly why Sec Mayorkas is being impeached, and hint hint, it has nothing to do with failure to uphold his constitutional duty or any kind of crime.

“We need to shut the border.… The president could take executive action to do it today—doesn’t need more money. It needs action, and this is what’s disappointing to people, and that’s why Mayorkas is gonna pay this public relations price by being impeached for the first time since 1876”

As we have discussed in other threads, this is a thoroughly useless House of Representatives.

Wrong. Not thoroughly useless HOR. The amusement factor of the circular firing squad is fairly high.

And it highlights the inherently craven nature of most pols on both sides of the aisle.

Though the Pubes have really found a new level of sewer dwelling.

This is stupid. Political performance of the worst sort.

I’m fairly ignorant about the impeachment process. I guess I thought it was essentially reserved for elected holders of office. I didn’t realize appointed officials are subject to impeachment. I guess it follows since they have to be confirmed.

So, impeached but will continue in his position when the Senate fails to impeach, I assume?

So, impeached but will continue in his position when the Senate fails to impeach, I assume?

Right. He remains in office. That will continue to be the case after his acquittal in the Senate.

So, impeached but will continue in his position when the Senate fails to impeach, I assume?

After his acquittal by the Senate he and his boss will go back to not doing their constitutionally sworn duty while lying and blaming others

But at least they both have the deserved permanent shame of a legit impeachment for a legit reason that hasn’t occurred in 150 years. So at least the house did their duty

So, impeached but will continue in his position when the Senate fails to impeach, I assume?

After his acquittal by the Senate, House Republicans will go back to not doing their constitutionally sworn duty while lying and blaming others

Fixed it for you.

So, impeached but will continue in his position when the Senate fails to impeach, I assume?

After his acquittal by the Senate, House Republicans will go back to not doing their constitutionally sworn duty while lying and blaming others

Fixed it for you.

after you add the fentanyl deaths caused by Biden’s destruction of our southern border (using Mayorkus as his stooge) to your Biden body count list maybe I will worry about anything else you “fix”

So, impeached but will continue in his position when the Senate fails to impeach, I assume?

After his acquittal by the Senate, House Republicans will go back to not doing their constitutionally sworn duty while lying and blaming others

Fixed it for you.

after you add the fentanyl deaths caused by Biden’s destruction of our southern border (using Mayorkus as his stooge) to your Biden body count list maybe I will worry about anything else you “fix”


after you add the fentanyl deaths caused by Biden’s destruction of our southern border (using Mayorkus as his stooge) to your Biden body count list maybe I will worry about anything else you “fix”

You’re hilarious, and your take of the modern drug trade is analogous to a fairy tale. I suggest you read up bit. Start here:

So, impeached but will continue in his position when the Senate fails to impeach, I assume?

After his acquittal by the Senate, House Republicans will go back to not doing their constitutionally sworn duty while lying and blaming others

Fixed it for you.

after you add the fentanyl deaths caused by Biden’s destruction of our southern border (using Mayorkus as his stooge) to your Biden body count list maybe I will worry about anything else you “fix”

You should really read up on how most fentanyl is making it into the US. I’ll give you one the most important highlights, most is coming across the border at legal crossings, carried by US citizens.

You should really read up on how most fentanyl is making it into the US. I’ll give you one the most important highlights, most is coming across the border at legal crossings, carried by US citizens.

Can’t be, it’s those Mexicans that are ruining everything and we need to be very scared of. I’ve heard they don’t even speak English.

So, impeached but will continue in his position when the Senate fails to impeach, I assume?

After his acquittal by the Senate, House Republicans will go back to not doing their constitutionally sworn duty while lying and blaming others

Fixed it for you.

after you add the fentanyl deaths caused by Biden’s destruction of our southern border (using Mayorkus as his stooge) to your Biden body count list maybe I will worry about anything else you “fix”

Wait, I thought Biden was the stooge and shadowy deep staters were making decisions.

Wait, I thought Biden was the stooge and shadowy deep staters were making decisions.

I thought Trump was still in charge. This is too confusing.

Wait, I thought Biden was the stooge and shadowy deep staters were making decisions.

I thought Trump was still in charge. This is too confusing.

I heard the first fentanyl overdose occured on January 22, 2021. I have no idea what Nancy Reagan was up to all those years ago.

Wait, I thought Biden was the stooge and shadowy deep staters were making decisions.

I thought Trump was still in charge. This is too confusing.

Just of the military.

Wait, I thought Biden was the stooge and shadowy deep staters were making decisions.

I thought Trump was still in charge. This is too confusing.

It’s “the generals” in charge. Or JFK, senior or junior. Try to keep up.

If a tree falls in the forest …

Does anyone really care? This seems like yesterday’s news. Literally and figuratively.

So the GOP impeached Mayorkas, and the only people who really care are the diehard MAGA, who wouldn’t change how the feel or vote regardless.

Wait, I thought Biden was the stooge and shadowy deep staters were making decisions.

I thought Trump was still in charge. This is too confusing.

I heard the first fentanyl overdose occured on January 22, 2021. I have no idea what Nancy Reagan was up to all those years ago.

funny I heard the same date for the last time any Covid death happened