Sebstian Kienle to retire end of 2023

In my opinion one of the most authentic athletes in the sport announces his retirement:

Met him first at Ironman 70.3 Kraichgau in 2015, the year after he won Hawaii.
At this time I didn’t like the attitude he showed towards the spectators when he entered the stage for the pre-race banter.
But it seems to me, he calmed down over the years, grew as a person has always been super transparent, honest and as said to me one of the most authentic people in the sport.

Wish him a great and healthy two more years, with a lot of exciting races and awesome finish lines.

At this time I didn’t like the attitude he showed towards the spectators when he entered the stage for the pre-race banter.
But it seems to me, he calmed down over the years, grew as a person has always been super transparent, honest and as said to me one of the most authentic people in the sport.

for what it is worth, a baseball player said that the problem is that everyone wants an autograph and they really do have a job to do. So at some point you have to say no. And the skill to gracefully navigate saying no is one that very few people possess.

Anyhow, Kienle is an amazing athlete. Glad he is going out on his own terms.

Probably my favourite athlete - and a dude who is a lot funnier than many give him credit for.

Given his Achilles adventures and - it seems - a struggle to keep up with dropping swim (where he lags further and further behind) and bike (where he’s no longer so dominant) times among top long course racers, I’m actually glad he feels like he can go for two world titles in 2022, and then finish his career off with another season. I kind of wasn’t sure if he was still good to go.

I love Sebi as much as anyone but this is odd. 2023 is pretty far away, he may feel much differently in 3/6/12/24 months. To say I’m gunna do two more full seasons then retire…tough to forecast how you’ll feel in two years.

However it shakes out - go Sebi, love you bro hell of a career go out with a bang!

He’s had a bunch of injuries the past few years so I look at 2023 as his hard out, he may choose to pull the plug sooner.