Sebi going out at Cozumel

Hopefully he has the race he’ll be satisfied going out with. I came into triathlon when he was at his peak and I always liked him.

Cool, I am doing Cozumel. It will be great to watch him compete.

Same here. Nothing like Sebi lighting up the bike course to win the race.
Although the Discontinued Video series has an uber depressive feel to it haha.
Good luck to Sebi!

Same here. Nothing like Sebi lighting up the bike course to win the race.
Although the Discontinued Video series has an uber depressive feel to it haha.
Good luck to Sebi!

No way he could win the race, but I’m truly hoping for him to: a) have a good race, b) get a podium.

Also, the huragan / wet seasons has been a bit longer in the Caribbean this year, let’s see how it affects the race day conditions.

I’ve always liked him too, he’ll be around the sport for awhile yet i’d think, commentating or something. good luck in coz sebbi!

Amazing video, and I feel with him in “not really able to letting go”. Seems very hard for him, which I totally understand. What a great and real athlete!

Proud and happy to race with him in Cozumel next week.

Anybody knows if there is a list of all Pros racing Cozumel?

Start list:

id love to see him smash out one last vintage performance - i think his chances look OK against that field.

the video series has been fascinating - definitely transparent, and really carefully put together. agree that it’s been a bit downbeat but maybe that really reflects his ambivalence about retiring.

i have to say, of all the ways you could end a career, i really like his approach. a ‘world tour’ of bucket list races, some charity work, and a great documentary for it all.

I agree - the French top is strong, and Michael Weiss is there too… gosh! Wurf could be in contention too.

Dede Grisbauer racing - as a Pro ?

id love to see him smash out one last vintage performance - i think his chances look OK against that field.

the video series has been fascinating - definitely transparent, and really carefully put together. agree that it’s been a bit downbeat but maybe that really reflects his ambivalence about retiring.

i have to say, of all the ways you could end a career, i really like his approach. a ‘world tour’ of bucket list races, some charity work, and a great documentary for it all.

Duathlon. Bummer!

Has the race started? I think it should have started 2 hours ago, but ironman app showing that it has not started.

Delayed due to choppy sea and then the swim was cancelled. I am assuming it was a TT start which means the tracker is nonsense - it is showing some pro men as taking 24+ mins to do the first 5.7 miles with all of them showing an 08:45:31 start time.

When they do this is it 10 second gaps?

Delayed due to choppy sea and then the swim was cancelled. I am assuming it was a TT start which means the tracker is nonsense - it is showing some pro men as taking 24+ mins to do the first 5.7 miles with all of them showing an 08:45:31 start time.

When they do this is it 10 second gaps?Phone tracker gives 13:27 for Astle for 9km: seems reasonable (40kph) and 48kph for Keinle and Chevalier. No idea if a mass start or at xx second intervals.

Also showing a number of male pros sub 25kmph so I am assuming there was gaps unless they are riding a unicycle.

Sebi currently second. I had to search as swim time was not there. Due to cold front and wind, they canceled swim. :frowning:

He always had flat forearms on the bike, so I thought it was weird when everyone has higher hands but after watching LS’s aero test video, now I know he was onto something. Hope he’s race goes well!!!

I’m just so thankful that I got to be a triathlete in the first two decades of the sport, not one swim was shortened or cancelled in those 20 years. Todays environment is virtually a crapshoot whether you get a swim or not, or a cut one at the least. Not sure what happened, we had shitty swimmers back in the day, they just didnt get to finish hard races.

And way more people die these days too, but that certainly could be a numbers thing. But people die in TT starts even, so perhaps the extra numbers are just that particular demographic that seems to be having heart issues in the swims. But now we all pay the price for this new fear, and doing a proper triathlon is not guaranteed when you put your money down…

Did my first Tri in 11 years last month, sprint race with a 500 yd swim, and it got cut right before the race!!!
Keinle and Chevalier still ‘locked horns’ with Wurf and Weiss less than 3 minutes back. Weiss and Chevalier evenly matched on the run, I’d say.

I’m just so thankful that I got to be a triathlete in the first two decades of the sport, not one swim was shortened or cancelled in those 20 years. Todays environment is virtually a crapshoot whether you get a swim or not, or a cut one at the least. Not sure what happened, we had shitty swimmers back in the day, they just didnt get to finish hard races.

And way more people die these days too, but that certainly could be a numbers thing. But people die in TT starts even, so perhaps the extra numbers are just that particular demographic that seems to be having heart issues in the swims. But now we all pay the price for this new fear, and doing a proper triathlon is not guaranteed when you put your money down…

Did my first Tri in 11 years last month, sprint race with a 500 yd swim, and it got cut right before the race!!!

I hear you but if too many athletes need help with hypothermia and exhaustion from cold and high wind especially in the ocean, volunteers won’t be able to get there fast to enough to save them. Ironman has been in the business long enough to know what they are doing, so I would just go with the flow. Everyone is racing in the same condition so you got nothing to lose.

What happened? In no particular order:

The professionalization of the industry, acceptable standards of swim safety were developed, and overall risk tolerance.

We can either be a big sport, or we can put on swims that aren’t safe enough for the athletes that show up on race day.

We can’t have both.

** Everyone is racing in the same condition so you got nothing to lose. //**

Well not really. Many prepared for a “triathlon” and they were robbed of those conditions. So all of those folks(which would be most in the race) were robbed of the thing that they trained for and paid their money to do. Like I said, we had shitty conditions too, same as today, and often over 50% of the field did not finish the swim. Somehow we managed to get all those people safely to shore, most self rescued at some point getting to a paddler, boat, or just heading back to shore.

I put on over 60 triathlons back in the day, and I would say that 85% of the rescues or abondonments happened in the first 300 yards or so. Then the rest were easily managed by the rescue personnel through the course…I imagine it is the same today, those that egos were bigger than their capabilities are quickly show the door out…