If you go from a fit at 75 degrees to a fit at 78 degrees, should you change to a longer stem to maintain the same cockpit length of should your cockpit decrease by using the same stem, or should it be something between the two?
You will definitely need a longer stem, assuming it doesn’t trash your bike handling. If it does, then you will need a new bike for that position. That hurts.
The answer is; It depends. If your cockpit length is corect now, you don't want to shorten it, You want to lower the stem. The whole idea with steep angle bike is to roll your postion forword. If you keep the same stem height and shorten the cockpit you'll be scrunching your torso. Then again, you have to try it and see what works for you. By the way, my shoulder is recovering nicely. 1 month after surgery, I'm on the computrainer five days a week and PT twice a week. Planning to run a marathon PR in October.
Glad to hear about the surgery… be careful when you are runnign from now on…