Sealed puncture

I’m curious, what do people do after a tubeless puncture that the sealant fixed?

My observation based on 3 cuts of a 28mm GP5000AS is that while they all sealed while riding (and only one lost so much sealant and pressure that I really noticed, great!), they all keep “sweating” a bit of sealant for very long after the fact. It doesn’t seem much (at least in terms of pressure loss per day in the garage), but still I wonder if I do something wrong. Attached is a picture, today, of a ~2mm cut from January, and 3 months later one can still see a little white sealant in the cut which looks fresh rather than fully dry, plus a larger area of transparent liquid (which I assume is whatever’s left after the latex dries out?). This is Effetto Mariposa Caffélatex if it matters. I refilled 30ml since, rode an extra 1’500k probably with this bike. Still going on slowly.

Is it common? Should I care?
