SD Int'l Triathlon question

My first time doing this race. How “hilly” is “hilly” on the bike course? I am a very average cyclist and I’ll be running a 12/25. Am I going to suffer?

The only major hill is Canon and it is not that bad. The rest of the route is rolling hills to the lighthouse. Come to the TCSD pre race meeting for the SD International at Hi-Tech bikes on Monday at 6:00. We will be going over the race course and will be happy to answer all your questions.

there is basically one hill climb. a 25 will be more than enough i am running a 21 and can get up it w/o standing. you’ll be alright

Big ring most of it.

One little gradual ~500ft climb, I used a 54T/ 11-23.

Thanks everyone. Wish I could make it there Halstaff, but work will prevent that. I’ll be ready on the weekend.

We’ll be pre-riding the bike course on Wednesday evening if you are available.

Many thanks, but I’m always working in the afternoon/evenings

what time and where are you meeting!?

We’ll meet at Spanish Landing (across from the Lindberg Field Terminal 2 exit) at 6:00. Hope to see you there.

You better pre-ride the course…otherwise you might get smoked…

beers and pizza on the loser Sunday???

Personally, I think the climb from the start (or a mile or so in) UP TO the entrance to the monument is the most difficult part of the course. It’s very gradual, but long. Once you’re inside the park, it’s all rollers and pretty fast.

Wednesday night? I may have to make a rare Tri-Club appearance for that.

I’m not stupid enough to accept that challenge, but I will do pizza and beers!! I think tridic offered to pay!

Is there an online course map?

i thought the course map was wrong…i measured out the bike and it was only like 16 miles(international) or something…correct me if im wrong. the run also didn’t seem as long and i cant seem to figure out how to get in and out of the water at spanish landing. i suppose this will all be clear on saturday

at the top of cabrillo there are two loops did you get those as well? after you pass the first guard shack you go to cabrillo back to the guard shack and back the second time you obiviously head for t2.


yep, as I tell everyone you climb all the way out and have a downhill back to T2!

I hope to see some of you as we pre-ride the bike course this evening at 6:00. It sounds like there will also be some that will run the Harbor Island portion of the run following the ride.