Scott Plasma 5 Premium handlebar


My Scott Plasma 5 (c2016) handlebar are making creaking noises from the lefthand side where the aerobars attach. It looks like where the bolts go in the carbon fibre is delaminating and i am concerned that something will snap so Im looking for replacement bars. Cant find any of them in stock except the new style bars that only work with profile design aerobars which i have movex away. So my question is does anyone have these handlebar or know of replacement aftermarket bars that will fit. Or even a fix for my existing bar. Im in dire straits niw as im only 5 weeks away from IM Barcelona.

Only the original basebar will work with your stem. Or the Syncros integrated bar that they made for Team DSM.
Also, it’s a bad idea to use aftermarket parts on the original basebar.

Are these the Profile Design made for Scott that have a flat clamp area with 4 M5/6 holes (can’t remember?

Yes that sounds like them. Heres a photo for clarity. Someone suggested using araldite to fill the the holes around the aerobars bolts. Might be a last resort?

Sorry to say, you’ll be facing an uphill struggle. I cracked my bars a year ago and managed to find a spare set more by luck than anything else from the ProOutlet store in GIrona.

I tried Scott directly, the Scott distributor in the UK and Profile Design. No one had any bars or anything that would work. I even got as far as looking for damaged frames so i could use the bars.

The Syncros bars are an option but don’t work with the hydration system.

It’s a big reason for me considering selling my frame now.

Westbrook cycles have the newer style creston iC bar but will only work with profile design aerobars and alot more money. I had a bike fit from matt botterill and have his aerobars so would mean dumping those and anither bike fit. Situation is nightmare. I know its an old bike now but it still out performs me. Be a shame to sell it.

This place is legit, the shipping is a little expensive but they do use DHL, FEDEX or UPS, you’ll get it within a week. Ive bought lots of things from him.


You might just be a life saver there Mike. Really appreciate your putting in the effort. Not identical but a much better option of buying new and adapting stuff totalling £1200. Thanks Mate!

Thanks man, I just saw that I has a very small delamination on my second one (-15°), so I bought one just in case.

I went through this last year.
That Europe site or the creston bar are your only option, and you lose the hydration setup with the creston one.
I did get lucky and found one on eBay though.

Thanks everyone for your advice. I have bought base bar from cykom hopefully it will be ok and solve my problem. But looks like i will be using the road bike at IM barcelona then.