Scott DH handlebars - original production run

Cleaning out storage, just found (12) original 1988 production run of Scott DH halndlebars. Boone bars

there are a few pairs of the original pads in the box too and somehow they’re still soft, not rock hard

make an offer on all, some or one

But wasn’t that 1987?

But wasn’t that 1987?

some people like retro

Personally I really want Oakley to re-issue the original EyeShades too

Cleaning out storage, just found (12) original 1988 production run of Scott DH halndlebars. Boone bars

there are a few pairs of the original pads in the box too and somehow they’re still soft, not rock hard

make an offer on all, some or one

there are still (11) pairs available, $40 each including shipping

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