Scool me on worlds

swim start for ag. dock or water start?

t1 on grass or paved?

tunnel riding on bike?

anything about run outside of normal?

any other info you can school me on would be helpful.

If its like the test race they did last year:

Water start.

T1 on grass, but there’s about a 1/2 mile run from the water to T1 on the sidewalk.

Yep, riding in the tunnel on the bike. Don’t wear sun glasses, or wear clear / light glasses. It gets dark FAST when you first get in the tunnel, and once you getin theirs a quick sharp left turn. Big crash there last year someone went into the wall. It’s hard to see in there, your eyes don’t adjust as quickly as your riding in.

Run was flat & easy. Just make sure you count the laps properly!

Other then that was a pretty straight forward race. The darkness in the tunnel was the biggest thing.

How about schooling on English. Scool?

How about schooling on English. Scool?

Are you asking a question or making a statement?

“schooling on English” ?


Bam, down go’s Frasier! Down go’s Frasier…

There’s a boatload of “world” multisport events each year. Which one are you describing?

There’s a boatload of “world” multisport events each year. Which one are you describing?

I’m no expert but I think there aren’t many with tunnels on the bike course. :slight_smile:

Probably not. I will speculate Austria but it’s speculation only. Haven’t heard anything about a tunnel up to this point.

I think he’s talking about chicago, but know nothing about the Austria course. Could be tunnels there too.

Hence my question! :slight_smile: