
I’m interested in old time, folk wisdom, sayings that people may have heard over the years, regardless of what may no longer be considered politically correct.

To start off, my dad from southeast Kansas used to say, “horses sweat, men perspire, and women glow.”

What have you heard? I think these sayings, especially if there’s a context or regional context, can be valuable. I think they tell us a lot about ourselves.

Edited to add: if possible, a time frame and location. We have sayings that have evolved or may be location specific. I think that may be more interesting that what was said.

God willing & the creek don’t rise

There may also be a time frame. I’m guessing that my dad learned and adopted that saying in the late 1940’s and perhaps in the 50s.

It’s colder than a well diggers ass in the klondike outside.

Is a duck’s butt waterproof?

I’m sweating like a whore in church.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me again…shame on…well…you can’t get fooled again. (Bushism)

Couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
Dead from the asshole both ways.
Easier to jump over than go around.

All from my father. No idea where he picked them up.

God willing & the creek don’t rise

I like that. I’d want to know how you pronounce “creek.” Is it creeeeek? Or crick, which is the proper pronunciation.

From my dad: I would agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.

Its a bit nipply out there.

Mom was not a fan of that saying.

My dad used a lot of horse related ones…eg ‘don’t worry about it that horse has left the barn’ and when as a kid I picked up the pace on a hike knowing the end was near, he’d say I was like a horse headed to the barn.

God willing & the creek don’t rise

I like that. I’d want to know how you pronounce “creek.” Is it creeeeek? Or crick, which is the proper pronunciation.

From where I come from, it’s “creeeeeeeeeek”

Asking somebody where they are going and a typical response is “To hell if I don’t change my ways.”

In regard to something that is worn out “it’s been rode hard and put up wet.”

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.

That person is nuttier than squirrel poop.

These are a few that come to mind and I still hear regularly. I’m sure there are others that I can add to the list as they come to mind.

Its a bit nipply out there.

Mom was not a fan of that saying.

I still use this one, but only with my wife.

Its a bit nipply out there.

Mom was not a fan of that saying.

I had always heard “nippy,” which may have been just as uncomfortable.

Its a bit nipply out there.

Mom was not a fan of that saying.

I still use this one, but only with my wife.

I always heard that one as “It’s a tit bit nipply outside.”

I’ve liked "busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

Not my fathers, but rather a slogan from the best college basketball team in history(KU Jayhawks). Don’t worry about the mule, just load the wagon.

I’ve liked "busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

Not my father’s, but rather a slogan from the best college basketball team in history(KU Jayhawks). Don’t worry about the mule, just load the wagon.

You had to bring the f’n Jayhawks into this. Dad was a Wildcat who played with Boozer.

Its a bit nipply out there.

Mom was not a fan of that saying.

I still use this one, but only with my wife.

This one is getting more awkward as my sons get older.

Asking somebody where they are going and a typical response is “To hell if I don’t change my ways.”

In regard to something that is worn out “it’s been rode hard and put up wet.”

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.

That person is nuttier than squirrel poop.

These are a few that come to mind and I still hear regularly. I’m sure there are others that I can add to the list as they come to mind.

Those are golden.

“The hay is in the barn” meaning you’ve put in the work and are ready

Its a bit nipply out there.

Mom was not a fan of that saying.

I still use this one, but only with my wife.

This one is getting more awkward as my sons get older.

I only have two grown daughters, hence why I only use it around my wife. I can only imagine your discomfort when it gets cold.