Santos Indicted

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York’s eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.
The exact nature of the charges couldn’t immediately be learned but the FBI and the Justice Department public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington have been examining allegations of false statements in Santos’ campaign finance filings and other claims.

Not a bad day for the wheels of justice.

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York’s eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.
The exact nature of the charges couldn’t immediately be learned but the FBI and the Justice Department public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington have been examining allegations of false statements in Santos’ campaign finance filings and other claims.

Not a bad day for the wheels of justice.

And yet, the GOP will do nothing about holding him accountable.

At the start of the year when a flood of stories came out about Lying George this is what Kevin the Coward had to say.

“What are the charges against him?” “In America today, you’re innocent till proven guilty. So just because somebody doesn’t like the press you have, it’s not me that can oversay what the voters say.”

You got your answer Kevin.

At the start of the year when a flood of stories came out about Lying George this is what Kevin the Coward had to say.

“What are the charges against him?” “In America today, you’re innocent till proven guilty. So just because somebody doesn’t like the press you have, it’s not me that can oversay what the voters say.”

You got your answer Kevin.

Santos is a POS, but Kevin also isn’t wrong. We have swung way too hard to everyone is guilty prior to being guilty. Someone just posted the thing on the Bills Punter they let go. Now prosecutors won’t charge him because he wasn’t even at the party.

It’s very reasonable to assume Santos is guilty based on all the stuff that has come out but we really need to come back to center on this stuff until we actually have verdicts.

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York’s eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.
The exact nature of the charges couldn’t immediately be learned but the FBI and the Justice Department public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington have been examining allegations of false statements in Santos’ campaign finance filings and other claims.

Not a bad day for the wheels of justice.

These are all distractions engineered by the Deep State to draw attention away from the important story.

Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Santos is a POS, but Kevin also isn’t wrong. We have swung way too hard to everyone is guilty prior to being guilty. Someone just posted the thing on the Bills Punter they let go. Now prosecutors won’t charge him because he wasn’t even at the party.

I’d phrase that slightly differently. He was at the party, and but left before the onset of the rape, according to the testimony of witnesses.

It’s very reasonable to assume Santos is guilty based on all the stuff that has come out but we really need to come back to center on this stuff until we actually have verdicts.

We don’t need to wait for a guilty verdict to conclude that Santos is a POS and has zero business being a Congressman. There is overwhelming evidence across years and from multiple sources that that’s the case. Whether Santos is guilty of any specific charge is very, very unlikely to change my opinion. This is very different from the Bills punter case where there is only one specific event in question, and unclear public evidence.

At the start of the year when a flood of stories came out about Lying George this is what Kevin the Coward had to say.

“What are the charges against him?” “In America today, you’re innocent till proven guilty. So just because somebody doesn’t like the press you have, it’s not me that can oversay what the voters say.”

You got your answer Kevin.

Santos is a POS, but Kevin also isn’t wrong. We have swung way too hard to everyone is guilty prior to being guilty. Someone just posted the thing on the Bills Punter they let go. Now prosecutors won’t charge him because he wasn’t even at the party.

It’s very reasonable to assume Santos is guilty based on all the stuff that has come out but we really need to come back to center on this stuff until we actually have verdicts.

Kevin is 100% wrong.

Santos is a US Congressman. It is extremely clear that the House had more than enough evidence to expel Santos, but the GOP did nothing. They could have censured, reprimanded, or fined him but they did nothing. None of those options require criminal charges or a trial, they just require backbone from the GOP.

At the start of the year when a flood of stories came out about Lying George this is what Kevin the Coward had to say.

“What are the charges against him?” “In America today, you’re innocent till proven guilty. So just because somebody doesn’t like the press you have, it’s not me that can oversay what the voters say.”

You got your answer Kevin.

Santos is a POS, but Kevin also isn’t wrong. We have swung way too hard to everyone is guilty prior to being guilty. Someone just posted the thing on the Bills Punter they let go. Now prosecutors won’t charge him because he wasn’t even at the party.

It’s very reasonable to assume Santos is guilty based on all the stuff that has come out but we really need to come back to center on this stuff until we actually have verdicts.

But with Santos the known lies are so overwhelming that he should not be in Congress, regardless of whether he committed a crime. Yes, let’s be careful about assuming people are guilty of a crime before the facts are clear. But, with regard to Santos being a serial liar, the facts have been clear for months.

At the start of the year when a flood of stories came out about Lying George this is what Kevin the Coward had to say.

“What are the charges against him?” “In America today, you’re innocent till proven guilty. So just because somebody doesn’t like the press you have, it’s not me that can oversay what the voters say.”

You got your answer Kevin.

Santos is a POS, but Kevin also isn’t wrong. We have swung way too hard to everyone is guilty prior to being guilty. Someone just posted the thing on the Bills Punter they let go. Now prosecutors won’t charge him because he wasn’t even at the party.

It’s very reasonable to assume Santos is guilty based on all the stuff that has come out but we really need to come back to center on this stuff until we actually have verdicts.

But with Santos the known lies are so overwhelming that he should not be in Congress, regardless of whether he committed a crime. Yes, let’s be careful about assuming people are guilty of a crime before the facts are clear. But, with regard to Santos being a serial liar, the facts have been clear for months.


Santos has released a statement - “I already served 32 years at Folsom Prison for killing a guy just to watch him die. Was up on stage and played with Johnny Cash.”

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York’s eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.
The exact nature of the charges couldn’t immediately be learned but the FBI and the Justice Department public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington have been examining allegations of false statements in Santos’ campaign finance filings and other claims.

Not a bad day for the wheels of justice.

These are all distractions engineered by the Deep State to draw attention away from the important story.

Hunter Biden’s laptop.


A court confirms that Trump is a sexual predator. A GOP Congressman has been criminally charged…but the news from the MAGA crowd today is Hunter!

HOLY SHIT DID A GOP MEMBER JUST SAY THAT: Lavender Room: Slowtwitch Forums

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York’s eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.
The exact nature of the charges couldn’t immediately be learned but the FBI and the Justice Department public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington have been examining allegations of false statements in Santos’ campaign finance filings and other claims.

Not a bad day for the wheels of justice.

These are all distractions engineered by the Deep State to draw attention away from the important story.

Hunter Biden’s laptop.

I had to capture this. At 10:05 PM today - this is FOX News main page

The Santos story is full screen below the story about Paige VanZant’s instagram pictures of her growing booty.


this is no way to treat a nobel laureate. the first man to walk on the moon deserves more dignity than this.

And now an accused Jan 6 rioter has declared to run against Santos in the Republican primary.

Philip Sean Grillo says he is a Marine Corps vet and that he lost is job as a pest management professional after being charged in the Jan. 6 riot.

He says he’s running to keep Tom Souzzi from winning the seat. He seems to have great credentials for a Republican, no real credentials but strong support for Trump. If he’s a big enough lier, I can see why Republicans will be all over him

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York’s eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.
The exact nature of the charges couldn’t immediately be learned but the FBI and the Justice Department public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington have been examining allegations of false statements in Santos’ campaign finance filings and other claims.

Not a bad day for the wheels of justice.

These are all distractions engineered by the Deep State to draw attention away from the important story.

Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Improper accounting of monies received is basically the charge Santos faces and the charge Hunter faces. It sure would be nice if the Hunter charge (or not) be released so we could put some of the Deep State distracting engineering to bed.

so we could put some of the Deep State distracting engineering to bed.

Your naivety is adorable.

would it be improved if I were to bold the word “some”?

would it be improved if I were to bold the word “some”?

I’ll allow it.

Santos has surrendered to federal authority at the Central Islip court house on Long Island, according to the Newsday’s app push notifications. I can’t find it on a major news’ website yet, but Newsday (behind a paywall) is usually pretty accurate.

We should know the actually charges soon.

Rep. George Santos, the freshman Republican congressman whose myriad falsehoods became both a scandal and a national punchline, was charged with a host of financial crimes in court papers unsealed Wednesday
Santos, 34, surrendered to federal authorities in the morning and is expected to appear in a federal courthouse in Central Islip, on Long Island, later Wednesday.
Officials said he has been **charged with fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and false statements. **The congressman and his lawyer did not respond to earlier messages seeking comment.