Sanders done with Ironman?

Havent seen this posted elsewhere, I think
Lionel Sanders, a ‘shell’ of his former self, says he is done with Ironman racing

That is from his last video two weeks ago…Lionel being dramatic as usual.
@ 8:30 in

Is he off to Nice?

He never planned on Nice. After Kona last year he said he was done with 140.6 until he got fast at 70.3 again.

Hmm, I guess the guy with No Limits has limits. Great athlete, but his head is his limiter. I wish him well on his videos and whatever races he does. He will have a whole new reality in a few weeks.
Will his training with Long help him or hurt Long?

Havent seen this posted elsewhere, I think
Lionel Sanders, a ‘shell’ of his former self, says he is done with Ironman racing

I’d say he’s been done almost 7 years ago now since his last full distance win. Success at the 70.3 distance yes, but the full, not so much.

He’s always been a better 70.3 athlete than an IM athlete. I’m surprised this didn’t come sooner.

He’s always been a better 70.3 athlete than an IM athlete. I’m surprised this didn’t come sooner.

Sooner than 4 posts?

I’m not sure about him being better at 70.3. He has wins at Arizona (world best at the time) and Florida (yes, cancelled swim), but two strong second places at IM World Championships.
He doesn’t realize that even the best have bad days at Ironman. I wish him luck in whatever races he chooses.

Eh I dont think he’s better or worse at either distance. I think it’s more a matter of how the world class field tactics play out that’s the real difference. He can pretty easily podium at almost any B level event in the sport whether 70.3 or IM. It’s really only when the true world class fields come together that guys like himself or the “weaker” athletes in a particular sport really get hammered for said weakness (but again he’s got 2 2nd places at IMWC’s so he’s not always getting hammered for his poor swim/tactics/mental standpoint)…

LC has so many races that these guys who struggle at the true world class events can still make bank, finish hella good at most races and then only at the big key races do they suddenly have a “poor” result (when in reality it likely isn’t rally that poor of a result, just not the finish they expect/want/desire).

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

Agreed. Only here does second place (first loser) have a different meaning.

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

No one also says Pete Jacobs was a shitty full distance athlete. LS is polarizing. His haters give him no credit and shit on him at any opportunity and his fans overly praise. There simply seems to be no middle ground.

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

I find it interesting how obsessed you are with the guy and jump at any opportunity to bag him…

2nd place at world’s only matter if you are a blonde chick I guess…

I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

No one also says Pete Jacobs was a shitty full distance athlete. LS is polarizing. His haters give him no credit and shit on him at any opportunity and his fans overly praise. There simply seems to be no middle ground.
Who has said that Lionel is a shitty Ironman athlete (apart from Lionel himself)? I have said for years that Lionel is more realistic about what he has achieved that his rabid fans are.You just have to watch his YouTube vid’s to see that.

Lionel is a good Ironman athlete but so many people put him in the same category as Macca,Crowie,Frodo,Lange,the Norwegians,etc,etc and he just isn’t.He always had the potential to be great but it just didn’t happen.
You can spin it any way you want but the stat’s don’t lie.

I find it interesting how obsessed you are with the guy and jump at any opportunity to bag him…

2nd place at world’s at matter if you are a blonde chick I guess…
You are obviously ignorant of all the posts I have made about Lionel because I have always said I actually like the guy and respect “his story”. It is the one eyed,rabid fans who i like to give a hard time to.The ones who,unlike Lionel himself, seem to disconnect the YouTube celebrity from actual results.

Lol, kinda like ‘I’m not racist but…’

Lol, kinda like ‘I’m not racist but…’
and here we have the new woke world throwing out the classic Kafka Trap instead of actually discussing the issue at hand.