Sam Laidlow Announces ITA Investigation

Anyone see Sam’s Instagram post today? Looks like Rudy Von Berg’s parents have accused him of doping and an investigation opened. Pretty weak from the VB’s

Just for clarity, this is in no way suggesting Sam doped - I am a converted fan (didnt like his arrogance to start with) and I believe his performance at Nice was one of the best I’ve seen since being involved in triathlon!

Saw that - also he refers to a ‘Daniel’ …. Bakkegard?

Anyone see Sam’s Instagram post today? Looks like Rudy Von Berg’s parents have accused him of doping and an investigation opened. Pretty weak from the VB’s

Just for clarity, this is in no way suggesting Sam doped - I am a converted fan (didnt like his arrogance to start with) and I believe his performance at Nice was one of the best I’ve seen since being involved in triathlon!

I just saw that post and came to ST hoping that someone can explain exactly what is going on.

yeah, that is why I came here! I was hoping someone might have more details!

As others, I read it and came here for details. This is BIG!! He’s firing back at Rudy Von Berg, Clement Mignon and possibly Baekgard?

First, our front page story at the moment, which is mostly just the IG story at this point:

We’ve reached out to a few folks named, as well as the ITA.

To summarize a couple of things – one, the ITA will open investigations off of tips it receives. This is frankly how the Chartier investigation started. Two, we have zero indication that there is actually an anti-doping violation, just that an investigation is ongoing. Reminder that unless you have first-hand proof of the matter, we DO NOT proclaim people to have doped unless they are found to have an anti-doping violation.

But basically – yes, there’s an investigation. No, we don’t have results. Yes, Laidlow went full scorched earth.

Love what the guy has done, but isn’t going on the attack a page out of that cycling guys playbook?

The best defense is going on the offense. Sounds very Lance ish…

This is big! Is anyone able to translate the french part of his post?

“For the people that don’t believe in triathlon, the cynics and the skeptics, I’m sorry for you, I’m sorry you can’t dream big."

I like Sam. Here’s hoping the outcome is not any kind of violation.

The best defense is going on the offense. Sounds very Lance ish…

I was surprised he didn’t close out with “I’m sorry you don’t believe in miracles”

Not a good look and not a good way to handle this.

The best defense is going on the offense. Sounds very Lance ish…

I mean maybe so but this also sounds a little Mandelbaumish on the part of the Von Bergs.


Not sure you needed to write “ This is frankly how the Chartier investigation started.”

You are inferring the same ultimate outcome…otherwise why mention it.

It’s an example of ITA investigations can be started using recent events, because had I not included that line I’m sure we’d eventually need to cite an example.

The best defense is going on the offense. Sounds very Lance ish…

I mean maybe so but this also sounds a little Mandelbaumish on the part of the Von Bergs.

If what Sam said is true and this is personal and targeted, I can understand being very pissed off though perhaps not the way I’d go about dealing with this. I’ll sit on the sidelines until we know more.

This is big! Is anyone able to translate the french part of his post?

This, not sure I have the whole story.

I will say, from history it seems like investigations are usually started because there is some level of truth to them. I would hope ITA doesn’t start an investigation just off rumors. Seems like there are multiple parties involved and have been announced to Laidlow (which seems interesting because he knows who to attack?).

Hope it’s not just a witch hunt, if so I’d really feel bad for Laidlow. He was caught up in this when the Chartier announcement happened and he bailed on the race right after. I was just thinking the other day that news had basically gone away.

One would think an investigation wouldn’t be started just because somebody made an allegation. Or at least hope so. Best thing to do is just wait for details.

Anyone understood the Clement Mignon/Marjolaine Pierre incident? From what I remember, Sam and Clement stayed in Kona last year. Just couldn’t follow the supposed joke about hormones and how Mignon/Pierre got contacted by ITA about it.

The best defense is going on the offense. Sounds very Lance ish…

I mean maybe so but this also sounds a little Mandelbaumish on the part of the Von Bergs.

Maybe. But we only know 1 side and a small fraction of that side.

I’ve heard some things in the background that this was going on. I don’t know what’s true or what’s conjecture. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Why jump out in front of this and tell the world he is under investigation, if there is not, in fact, anything to investigate?