Sam and Cam in Lanzarote

Place your bets folks.Who is your favourite? Sam or Cam? Somebody else?

Honestly I think the better bet would be which one will have the faster bike spit. I think with all he has going on Wurf will be hard to compete for the overall win. It’s just too hard to be a pro tour rider and top triathlete at the exact same time. But if he’s on the line then he will factor into the race.

vanderriche might beat cam

bikesplit wise hard to call
laidlow surely first in t2
vanderiche most likely to run the fastest.

even for ironman standards super low price money, 25k

Agreed. Sam has a massive edge on the swim, Wurf would have to outperform him on the bike by quite a bit to make this a race

Running 21 after roubaix is pretty extreme lol

It will be good to see what kind of form Sam is in, been a long time since his big debut break through race at Kona. IF he has anywhere near that form, Cam is not going to ever get within 5 to 7 minutes of him during the ride. He seemed off a bit too at his last race, but perhaps it was just too short for him to get his engine revving.

But if Kona was no fluke, and I dont think it was, then Sam is truly one of the top 3 fastest bike riders racing triathlon today. And he has hit T2 first in long and short races, so speed is no issue for him either. Also helps that he spends way less time in the water than Cam, and probably swims easier to get those 5 to 8 minutes, not counting the shorter time in water he gets to start the bike with…

What was cams last race actually? He featured in so many start lists and no result lists…i think that Denmark was one of the last finishes? And he pulled out of that race in America where sanders surged and dropped him in the bike? Did he make it to pto euro open start?

You have to remember that Lanzarote is a technical windy course. It will be interesting to see how Sam does as it will give some indication of how he will do in Nice. He ought to be handy down hills living and training in France, but I still suspect that this is where Cam will make up some time ('cos riding in the peloton you just have to go down fast). Hawaii provides almost zero technical challenge so no insight as to how good a technical rider one is.

Yeah he said himself that he specialises in holding a horse power all day, technical courses are more challenging…will be interesting

Always nice when it pays off when a good swimmer gets open road and stays out of the cat and mouse chase group games

On Paper Lanzarote looks like Hawaii, but you have 2500m+ climbing on the bike in LZ. So it is more a game of who can ascend and descend better, IMO

I’ve never been to Hawaii, but Lanza isn’t only about climbing, wind and temperature as separate factors.

It’s also about the dangerous combination of the wind when going downhill. As a result, you don’t get 100% back of the downhill or rolling downhill, because you wouldn’t stay all the time in an aero position. If you check the best bike splits, you’ll see something around 4:40h for men and 5:20h for women.

I think Sam will deliver and go solo most of the time. The real battle will be for the 2nd place, which also provides a WC Nice slot.

I don’t know, it depends if Sam is fully recovered from house moving. I hope he doesn’t have a sore back or anything 🤣

PLEEAAAAASE make it Cam.
I hate it when an arrogant @#£#@ wins.

looks like San was a DNS, Cam done first lap of swim in 24;10 in 3rd place 1:10 off the pace of leader Neik Heldoorn

I don’t know, it depends if Sam is fully recovered from house moving. I hope he doesn’t have a sore back or anything 🤣

Edited: Sam is leading the race but was missing on tracker all good now

Theres no tracker right? How are people following?

Theres no tracker right? How are people following?

The normal IM tracker is always there for all IM races. The app that is.

And Sam is leading the race was kuat missing at first.

Thanks, i was checking the ironman page

46 minute swim for Sam

Must be a long t1 with 2k athletes…everyone spent well over 3 minutes getting through

When did wurf turn 40?
He managed 49 minute swim with no training just half hour technique sessions?
And why is his estimated finish time 45 minutes later than sams after t1?

Dreitz riding near cam, could unleash a run

Looks like Sam might have an issue on the bike