Sales affiliates for Tri company

I’m busy creating plans and coaching, taking away from time getting the word out about my services.
I need endurance minded individuals to be affiliates for me getting athletes to buy my training plans.
I sell them on training peaks.

It’s super easy.
I give you a unique code that will provide the buyer with a 20% discount.
You get 10% of the net sale.
Net sale = ( original price - discount - TP cut ) and then times 10% for your finder fee.

Plan costs $100.
Buyer buys with your code = $80
TP takes 30% = $56 net
You get 10% = $5.60 in one sale.
The more sales you get, the more cut you get.

READ THIS - if you have them contact me directly and they turn into a full time client or buy directly, you get 10% of WHATEVER they end up doing. Monthly plans. One time plan, etc.

One big requirement, DON’T SPAM. It needs to be organic. See someone posting on FB needing a plan and I have one, paste the link and code and bam. Let the revenue roll in.

Inquire to me at
All financials will be via paypal.


TrainingPeaks takes 30%, right?

You are correct.
I misunderstood their terms and thought if you buy from TP site it was 10% and 30% if from a private site.

It’s 30% no matter what.

Thanks for the question!

You are correct.
I misunderstood their terms and thought if you buy from TP site it was 10% and 30% if from a private site.

It’s 30% no matter what.

Thanks for the question!

Just trying to help you manage your margins!

Lol. Thanks!

But, when I run the report it takes it into account already, but would have been a surprise to affiliates minus 30% instead of 10.