Saddle sore surgery

So I have been bothered with a persistent saddle sore. It’s not usually too bad, but the other day I actually had to stop riding, it was twice as big as normal. I believe it is related to a legacy problem, in every other way I am now super comfy, but that now it is here it won’t go away. It sits right up in the apex of the groin and leg on the left hand side, and has now developed into a small hard lump, with some persistent swelling that increases & decreases, during & post ride, respectively. I booked in to see the doc, but have to wait until next year to see him. I am thinking that I just want the bugger cut out and be done with. Anyone else had one excised? How else do they treat something that is more than just swelling?

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p.s. I apologize for the subject line if you have a lisp :wink:

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When I first started doing longer races, I had a saddle sore issue. These big blood-filled sores would form on my taint. I would just take a needle and pop them or squeeze the shit out of them until they drained. Eventually, I got the right saddle combo and they didn’t form any more. Not saying my “home surgery” technique is for everyone, but it seemed silly to pay for a procedure I could do myself for free. By the way, once I drained them, it was instant relief from the pain.

yep. what the above poster said.

leaving it there, and usually it doesn’t go away on its own. I’m not a doctor, and not responsible for what may happen when you lance your saddle sore, that said…

Get a needle, soak it in isopropyl alcohol to disinfect. Disinfect area around the sore, poke the sore with the needle, let it drain. You should have Q-tips or kleenex ready so soak up the fluid. When it’s mostly gone, apply bacitracin to the sore and cover the sore with a non-sticking dressing. Change out the dressing on a daily basis, and you should be worry free in less than a week.

I recognize that what follows is alarmist and extreme…but infections in the crotch can get nasty. You don’t want your nuts sitting on your stomach.’s+gangrene&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=h8a3UvqsIdLFoASCn4HwCg&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=924#facrc=_&imgdii=_&

I’ve been lurking here for some time enjoying learning from many of the posts. However I had identical issue as you and after years of searching for a solution I thought if I ever had the opportunity to possibly help someone I would relate my experience. I developed a small typical inflamed ingrown hair but being ignorant of the consequences continued to train intensely for an upcoming ride. After the 150 mile ride with 15k of climbing it swelled to the size of my thumb. After a few consults with various docs I chose to have it surgically removed. Believe me I would not recommend that based upon my result. I was told that riding again would be possible and it would likely not return. Wrong. It basically became a fatty lipoma but contrary to what all types of health professionals said it does reduce in size by not riding. Take away from all this is a small shot of cortisone did help to reduce swelling and after that it’s necessary to change your position on the seat and or cut hole in seat to avoid constant pressure on that spot. Believe me I know how hard that is to accomplish but it worked for me. The six months of not riding after surgery was a total waste of time.

Are you sure its a saddle sore and not a lipoma? I had a lipoma in that area for the last few years and it kept getting bigger I finally said screw it and had it removed. I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner. The lipoma ended up being huge probably 3 inches long. It took a little while for the scar to completely heal, because it partially split a week or so after from running. Anyways after that was healed, I went on my first bike ride in probably 5 years without it there, absolutely wonderful, I didn’t have to move around and I was completely comfortable again. If you do have surgery I would be very religious in keeping the area clean obviously. I was essential putting antibacterial on anytime I had to change the dressing because I was paranoid about it. Anyway’s the surgery I believe was worth it, you just need to make sure its really a saddle sore. I had a very good doctor who did it with local anesthetic I was in and out in 2 hours or so. That was mostly because of how large the lipoma was. Sitting was kinda painful for a couple weeks, but same idea mine is i’m sure a lot larger than what yours is.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask. I know it may seem like its in an odd place but the doctors wont think anything of it so don’t feel awkward.

I recognize that what follows is alarmist and extreme…but infections in the crotch can get nasty. You don’t want your nuts sitting on your stomach.’s+gangrene&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=h8a3UvqsIdLFoASCn4HwCg&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=924#facrc=_&imgdii=_&

Dude, what the fuck?!?!

yep. what the above poster said.

leaving it there, and usually it doesn’t go away on its own. I’m not a doctor, and not responsible for what may happen when you lance your saddle sore, that said…

Get a needle, soak it in isopropyl alcohol to disinfect. Disinfect area around the sore, poke the sore with the needle, let it drain. You should have Q-tips or kleenex ready so soak up the fluid. When it’s mostly gone, apply bacitracin to the sore and cover the sore with a non-sticking dressing. Change out the dressing on a daily basis, and you should be worry free in less than a week.

X2—You’ll be a happy camper by the next morning and riding relieved by the end of the week. that is if you hit the right spot and get all the puss out. i found holding the needle between thumb and index finger with only about 4-6mm exposed and sinking it dead center of the sore/welt 2-3 times you should hit the spot. it’ll start draining on it own, but some pressure from around the base will get things going. literally will feel comfort with minutes of relieving the pressure from the abscess beneath the skin. good luck, and if hard to see/do it yourself, ask your good riding buddy to help, i’m sure you’d do it for him…wouldn’t you?

I recognize that what follows is alarmist and extreme…but infections in the crotch can get nasty. You don’t want your nuts sitting on your stomach.

Dude, what the fuck?!?!

Yeah I second that mainly because there have been all of 750 cases of that disease in literature ( so yes alarmist and extreme is an understatement.

I tried sticking a needle in, but f all came out. There was a little blood & puss close to the surface, but deep down where the hard bit is all I seemed to get was a small amount of plasma or something. I can assure you I stuck the needle in deep enough, it was actually really easy because the area had gone numb.

May be a lipoma, I don’t really know, that’s partly why I thought it was time to see the doc. Lol, failing that I will sorely test my relationship with the lbs.

I don’t believe it is saddle related anymore, in that it is actually just outside the contact point, which means there is no part of the saddle I can remove. I am really comfy in the saddle aside from this.

BTW thanks all for the input so far.

Someone suggested hemorrhoid creme might be worth a try?

The hard bit may very likely be a lipoma.

If I do get knifed, would you estimate the healing time? I’m guessing a couple of weeks. I would hate to aggravate it and cause additional scaring or something like that, I would rather let it heal properly the first time. I do realize all of this is just speculation until I have had it checked out.

Also had a pretty annoying saddle sore last winter. iodine + fierce jabbing with a needle solved it. And a good chamois creme for longer rides.

After ~5yrs riding, developed my first proper saddle sore last week, it had been brewing for a while but after a long ride it swelled up to the size of a pea, red and inflamed, not nice, could not ignore anymore. After a bit of Googling, decided to try vitamin E, the kind that come in the soft capsules. Pierce the end of capsule, squeez the gu onto the affected area, repeat a few times per day. I saw imprssive results after just 24hrs. Kept this up for a few days and had no probs on yesterday’s ride. One happy camper!

I would say a couple weeks. Mine took longer because it was so big and the scar split open and that had to heal. If its small it shouldn’t take long to heal at all.

I have only had the pleasure of a saddle sore once, and that was a couple of months ago. Wow how that hurt. I did all kinds of internet research and found a product called “Prid Drawing Salve”. I picked it up at Walgreens for about $4 and followed the instructions. The infection was drawn out within 12 hours, I couldn’t believe it. I never lanced or tried to squeeze it. Kept using the Prid for 3 more days and was completely cleared up in 5 days time. I have no idea why it worked, but it is worth a shot.