I am curious how those that have experienced a complete hamstring avulsion recovered.
Two weeks out from CDA, while training; I completely ruptured all Hamstring tendons from the ischial tuberosity with 3cm retraction.
Surgery a week later.
Repair/recovery slated to be ~ 8 MONTHS
(I was granted a deferral to the 2022 St. George Ironman…I am not a racer, I “complete” and "participate’ and do it cause I want to be fit and feel the joy accomplishment)
I am curious how those that have experienced a complete hamstring avulsion or similar injury recovered: were you able to complete 70.3’s &/or Ironman events again, regain full functions, etc?
and wow, what a painful injury to deal with…physically and mentally
Suffered a complete proximal hamstring avulsion during a slalom waterski run at age 55 with surgical repair within a week. Back to S/B/R within 24 months??? Prolonged sitting was my biggest issue. Back to normal after 4 years. Brutal injury, surgery and recovery. Grateful to be able to S/B/R at age 60. Let me know if I can help.
Ok how about a how did you tear it story maybe from both of you??
Ok how about a how did you tear it story maybe from both of you??
for me…it was my track workout day.
10 min WU plus dynamics
8 min of drilling 25-30 meters
1 x 600 meters at threshold
2 min recovery
3 x 300 meters above threshold
90 sec recovery
6 x 100 meters strides: slow, accelerate to 50 @ 50 accelerate to super-threshold
60 sec recovery
~40 minutes into the workout…almost done.
The LAST of the 6 - 100 meter intervals, 50 meters in, two strides into acceleration. Right leg fully extended forwarded. Right Hip/Glut/Low ass; POP-Felt like I was SHOT and felt like I dislocated my hip.
Did not want to land on that extended right leg, so I tucked, and rolled. landed on my left chest. Also dislocated ribs and had a small pneumothorax with sub-q air posterior left back, up shoulder, and up neck.
called my wife, she took me to ER…they medicated me. I don’t recall much after that until next day.
Very fortunate to work for an employer that has connections. Met surgeon the day after injury, MRI the next morning, surgery 7 days post injury
Stedman Hawkins Clinic…AMAZING
Dr. Genuario…WORLD CLASS
Uggh ouch! My hamstrings have felt tight lately so this is terrifying!
I was sore, tired, fatigued…and did have right hip/flank soreness for a month + prior to this.
I also learned something interesting from he surgeon.
I am paraphrasing here:
He said hamstring injuries occur when there is not a proper warmup and activation &/or with fatigue.
for me…I am 53 years old AND I was finishing my loooong training for Ironman CDA.
So combine
Tendons are not fed with as much blood compared to muscle,
my age…means my tendons are fed a little less compared to younger people
AND I was at the end of training A LOT for my Ironman, and my whole body was fatigued
he suspects my age and fatigue and overdoing it combined to cause this horrible injury.