Running in Silca Aero Socks - Blisters?

Anybody running in the Silca Aero socks? Initially feels just fine, but after 12-15km of running, I start getting blisters in places I would NEVER blister.

Enough that I need to find another solutions - low running socks and aero sleeves, I guess

Anybody getting this too ?

Have done 4 races in my Silca Aero socks and no blisters at all. 2 Oly gravel races, one 1/2IM distance gravel and 1/2 IM distance road with no issues. I love the feel of them actually and sometimes train in them as I got a few pair.

I thought they would tear my feet up when I got them as they were so thin, but I had no problems during my recent 13.1/70.3’s

no issues for me doing an ironman in them.

Right on then - maybe I just need to get used to them :slight_smile: thanks a lot, people!

I’ve been doing open running races in aero socks, just the regular ribbed kind with the thin cotton sock bottom. No issues but it probably depends on what kind of shoes you use.

I’ve never come up with a good way to test if they’re actually faster for running. In theory once you knee is extending forward you’re calf is penetrating the air at vertical angle and at great speed. 10mph running sees a rough foot speed of at least 10mph forward, call it ~20mph calf speed. They say socks are worth 5-8w at 40kph. That calf is only moving forward for half the stride though, so half of that. Figure it’s on the order of 2w savings. If that 6min mile is ~300w then you’ve gone from 6:00 to 5:58 just by switching socks. A pretty huge improvement. Almost a minute faster over a marathon.

Figured you got most of the replies you were looking for, but for another anecdote I recently ran in those for my 70.3 and they worked perfectly for me even with sandy feet after the swim.

In the past whenever I’ve had blisters it’s been a footwear issue, but I’ve also met people who are super susceptible to blisters no matter what they wear.

I raced 3 full ironmans and probably 7 or 8 70.3s in the aero socks speed laces combo no issues in any of them, I don’t do anything special other than a tiny bit of vaseline or left over chafing cream on the heels and sides and top of my foot if I remember, some of the 70.3s have been extremely hot in Thailand/Philippines no issues from sweat and water. Do all my brick runs also in these socks but a cheap version which seem to be identical to the fancier branded ones.

Did my longest runs in those socks. Probably my favorite. Never heard of this. I think cycling socks are better than most running socks

Also placebo effect of “fast socks” while I’m running

Did my longest runs in those socks. Probably my favorite. Never heard of this. I think cycling socks are better than most running socks

Also placebo effect of “fast socks” while I’m running

Silca and Incyclence are my “go-to’s”. Both are awesome!

Can’t speak on these socks but any tight compressive designs I would NOT use in a race. They squish your toes together when they need to expand, and that friction is more likely to cause blisters–even with a lube between the toes. Examples are CompressorSport and Features (some models). The best ones I’ve found so far are SwiftWick…definitely my go to sock for any distance–and super rare to get a blister from them.

The Silca socks and not compressive IMO. My question was if the material (being very aero) caused anybody else blisters.

Can’t speak on these socks but any tight compressive designs I would NOT use in a race. They squish your toes together when they need to expand, and that friction is more likely to cause blisters–even with a lube between the toes. Examples are CompressorSport and Features (some models). The best ones I’ve found so far are SwiftWick…definitely my go to sock for any distance–and super rare to get a blister from them.