I am a final year University student, and i am looking to design a new type of sports drinking bottle, which can be used during running events/ training. As a regular runner, i have found that it can be hard to run, and focus on the correct technique, whilst carrying a regular sports bottle. by carrying a large bottle, this also has a negative effect on the body’s energy consumption. I am looking to design a small, disposable bottle, which contains a more intense electrolyte/ hydration drink, which can somehow be attached to the inside/ outside of clothing. These bottles will be designed not only for training purposes, but for use during races.
Unlike an energy gel, this will be a more “viscous” substance, and it will not be required to be “washed down”/ diluted with water.
Unlike an energy gel, this will be a more “viscous” substance, and it will not be required to be “washed down”/ diluted with water.
I cannot imagine this working.
GU gels are more viscous than Hammer, and GU requires more wash down water than Hammer…simply to eat it. There is also the concern than if you eat a gel straight, without water, that the carb concentration is too high to absorb it.
Unlike an energy gel, this will be a more “viscous” substance, and it will not be required to be “washed down”/ diluted with water.
I really hope you mean less viscous. The definition of viscosity is a liquid’s resistance to flow. Thus, more viscous would be slower flowing.
I have very little faith in your engineering abilities if you cannot get something so simple and important as the flow characteristics correct when conveying your ideas.
Also, Using quotes here is wrong because you are referring to the actual meaning rather than a colloquialism.
I think he means less viscous. More viscous=thicker (harder to swallow); less viscous=thinner (easier to swallow - like Gatorade). I would assume that the more viscous, the more washing down required, unless you’re swallowing a pill, in which case, as the previous poster said, would require water for retention of the carbs.
For example, honey is more viscous than water.
To answer the question, I’m not sure that I’d want to attach water, etc. to the outside of my clothing, especially because of how loose running clothes are. I do, however, prefer to run with a water belt as it doesn’t affect my form as much as carrying a water bottle does and I can put different types of fluid in each of the 4 small bottles if I want to.
The best running bottle I’ve found that can be “hung” from your running or tri shorts is by Simple Hydration. It’s a regular bottle that has a hook-type side that allows it to fit nicely on your shorts in the small of your back. Can’t even tell it’s there. I’ve used it in the run portion of Ironman and several marathons without any issues. Love it.
Not sure what you are thinking in terms of design but from what I can tell from your post, this bottle already exists (although it isn’t disposable).
I am a final year University student, and i am looking to design a new type of sports drinking bottle, which can be used during running events/ training. As a regular runner, i have found that it can be hard to run, and focus on the correct technique, whilst carrying a regular sports bottle. by carrying a large bottle, this also has a negative effect on the body’s energy consumption. I am looking to design a small, disposable bottle, which contains a more intense electrolyte/ hydration drink, which can somehow be attached to the inside/ outside of clothing. These bottles will be designed not only for training purposes, but for use during races.
Unlike an energy gel, this will be a more “viscous” substance, and it will not be required to be “washed down”/ diluted with water.
Any input would be widely appreciated.
thanks for your time
Interesting idea but “a more intense electrolyte/ hydration drink” that “will not be required to be “washed down”/ diluted with water” is an oxymoron. You need more than just electrolytes to stay hydrated, you need the water part as well. This balance is also pretty individual.
And what it sounds like you are thinking of has already been invented. Google Fuel Belt, Nathan Hydration, Camelbak, Simple Hydration and you’ll see a variety of options available.
I think the reasoning behind the disposable nature is to sell it in stores with the nutrition, similar to the way Gatorade or Gu is sold today. Might be able to make it lighter and less bulky compared to current products if it is filled/sealed in factory and doesn’t have to stand much abuse.
The best running bottle I’ve found that can be “hung” from your running or tri shorts is by Simple Hydration. It’s a regular bottle that has a hook-type side that allows it to fit nicely on your shorts in the small of your back. Can’t even tell it’s there. I’ve used it in the run portion of Ironman and several marathons without any issues. Love it.
Not sure what you are thinking in terms of design but from what I can tell from your post, this bottle already exists (although it isn’t disposable).
Wow! That looks awesome. I’ve been looking for something like that for awhile. Just ordered one.