Running at the North Pole

I’m heading up to the North Pole tomorrow to run a marathon and do a mountain bike race (a duathlon of sorts…).

Right now I’m about 750 miles south on the island of Spitsbergen in the town of Longyearbyen (

I took my Pole gear out for a test run yesterday morning (see picture) to get a feel for what it feels like to run in -10 degrees (it will be -30 at the Pole).

I’m racing in support of the Challenged Athletes Foundation. I’ve done a crazy event like this each year for the past 8 years and have brought in over a half a million dollars on their behalf. If you’d like to help out, visit my website at and click on the donation button. I’m trying to raise 1 dollar for every foot of the marathon and mountain bike race (over 250,000 feet so over $250,000). If you can spare a dollar, it would truly mean a lot.

All the best!