Rudy, Meadows, others charged for fake elector scheme in AZ

The finding out continues unabated.

Again, the Schadenfreude is strong.

I wonder what the breakdown is between the delusional ones who really believe the election was stolen which apparently then justifies them breaking the law to put matters right, and the ones where it’s just a pure power grab and they know damn well Trump lost and are willing to break the law to put him in power.

Also charged is Trump attorney Christina Bobb. You may recognize her from her appointment by the RNC to chair the Election Integrity Council. Because of course.

Also charged is Trump attorney Christina Bobb. You may recognize her from her appointment by the RNC to chair the Election Integrity Council. Because of course.

Let’s stay focused on what’s important here, did you hear Biden said, “pause” in a speech?

I wonder what the breakdown is between the delusional ones who really believe the election was stolen which apparently then justifies them breaking the law to put matters right, and the ones where it’s just a pure power grab and they know damn well Trump lost and are willing to break the law to put him in power.

Nobody really believes that the election was stolen. Well maybe some backwoods idiot, Maga fan does, but nobody who has anything to do with the uprising thinks it was stolen. They just think it was a good plan to get their boy back in.

Tell you what, you take any of those people who swear on a stack of bibles that the election was stolen, put them in the electric chair, and hook them up to a lie detector, and then ask them who was the legitimate winner of the election. They’ll tell you every time that Trump was a loser!

These morons videoed themselves committing their crimes. They documented their crimes in e-mails. This wasn’t the fringe, this was the White House chief of staff, three of Trumps personal lawyers, and people that worked in the White House.

But egg prices are high so you can’t vote for Biden.

I wonder if we’re going to see prosecution of that forensics company that wrongfully took the AZ ballot data to a shed in Montana for analysis. That was so weird. I want those creepy people prosecuted because they infect simple-minded Montanas who should know better, but don’t.

The company is CyFIR and Ben Cotton runs it.

The finding out continues unabated.

The problem is no one will do a single thing about this. There are no longer consequences for actions like this if you are the gop.

I wonder what the breakdown is between the delusional ones who really believe the election was stolen which apparently then justifies them breaking the law to put matters right, and the ones where it’s just a pure power grab and they know damn well Trump lost and are willing to break the law to put him in power.

Nobody really believes that the election was stolen. Well maybe some backwoods idiot, Maga fan does, but nobody who has anything to do with the uprising thinks it was stolen. They just think it was a good plan to get their boy back in.

Tell you what, you take any of those people who swear on a stack of bibles that the election was stolen, put them in the electric chair, and hook them up to a lie detector, and then ask them who was the legitimate winner of the election. They’ll tell you every time that Trump was a loser!

Certainly all the people involved in the fake electors knew that Trump lost the election.

Before the election, when Trump was talking about how it was going to be rigged if he lost, we discussed on this site how they could try to use a different slate of electors to try to steal the election. There is some historical precedent in 1824 and 1876, so they likely thought that what they were doing would not be considered a crime, but rather, at worst it would fail and everyone would move on.

ETA: but for their scheme to work, they had to convince enough people that the election results were doubtful, and they had to get the result pushed to the state legislatures. It was a scheme that might have worked.

so they likely thought that what they were doing would not be considered a crime, but rather, at worst it would fail and everyone would move on.

First rule of coup: win the coup.
Second rule of coup: win the coup.

so they likely thought that what they were doing would not be considered a crime, but rather, at worst it would fail and everyone would move on.

First rule of coup: win the coup.
Second rule of coup: win the coup.

I wonder what the breakdown is between the delusional ones who really believe the election was stolen which apparently then justifies them breaking the law to put matters right, and the ones where it’s just a pure power grab and they know damn well Trump lost and are willing to break the law to put him in power.

Nobody really believes that the election was stolen. Well maybe some backwoods idiot, Maga fan does, but nobody who has anything to do with the uprising thinks it was stolen. They just think it was a good plan to get their boy back in.

Tell you what, you take any of those people who swear on a stack of bibles that the election was stolen, put them in the electric chair, and hook them up to a lie detector, and then ask them who was the legitimate winner of the election. They’ll tell you every time that Trump was a loser!

I’d pay money to watch that on PPV.

These morons videoed themselves committing their crimes. They documented their crimes in e-mails. This wasn’t the fringe, this was the White House chief of staff, three of Trumps personal lawyers, and people that worked in the White House.

But egg prices are high so you can’t vote for Biden.

What I still have a hard time understanding is why it took so long for this case to move forward? What has been happening since 2021?

These morons videoed themselves committing their crimes. They documented their crimes in e-mails. This wasn’t the fringe, this was the White House chief of staff, three of Trumps personal lawyers, and people that worked in the White House.

But egg prices are high so you can’t vote for Biden.

What I still have a hard time understanding is why it took so long for this case to move forward? What has been happening since 2021?

AZ had a Republican Attorney General. Current one took office January 2023.

What I still have a hard time understanding is why it took so long for this case to move forward? What has been happening since 2021?//

It was covered up and ignored by their party, now party’s over it appears…

These morons videoed themselves committing their crimes. They documented their crimes in e-mails. This wasn’t the fringe, this was the White House chief of staff, three of Trumps personal lawyers, and people that worked in the White House.

But egg prices are high so you can’t vote for Biden.

What I still have a hard time understanding is why it took so long for this case to move forward? What has been happening since 2021?

AZ had a Republican Attorney General. Current one took office January 2023.

True. Plus early on the DOJ was looking into it so the states held back. Garland eventually communicated that these should be state cases and the states scrambled to catch up.

Happy 80th Birthday Rudy!

Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday bash in Palm Beach was stormed “like it was Normandy” as the former New York City mayor was served with notice of his Arizona indictment, sources told The Post.
In front of nearly 75 guests, two officials with Arizona’s attorney general’s office arrived at the shindig around 11 p.m. to hand Giuliani the papers in the case alleging he and 17 others were involved in a plot to overturn the 2020 election, the sources said.
Some partygoers started screaming and one woman even cried as Giuliani was served.

I feel slightly guilty for laughing out loud at the last line.

I feel slightly guilty for laughing out loud at the last line.

Do we know for sure that was a woman and not Rudy? Lines have been blurred.