Roth water temp

Any idea of what is the chance for a wetsuit legal race in Roth? How’s it been in the past? Anyone in the area who knows what’s it been these days? 2 weeks out and is time to start thinking about these things :slight_smile:

Always wetsuit legal for amateurs.

If it helps, 2019 temperature was 24.2 and 2022 23.8. On both occasions it was like getting in an actual swimming pool with your wetsuit on and on both occasions it was no wetsuits for the pros.

Sorry to derail the thread but does someone know if Kyle Smith is racing, that would make for a crazy high SOF / and a great race / starting list,

Really amazed that Tomas Rodriguez is not fully commited to the Pro Series when he has the potential to win it and that he has raced no 70.3 when he really needs to improve his poor Oceanside score.
Ditto for Mignon who may be the only chasing one both PTO and Pro Series, yet still goes racing a full a month before Frankfurt !

Sorry to derail the thread but does someone know if Kyle Smith is racing, that would make for a crazy high SOF / and a great race / starting list,

Really amazed that Tomas Rodriguez is not fully commited to the Pro Series when he has the potential to win it and that he has raced no 70.3 when he really needs to improve his poor Oceanside score.
Ditto for Mignon who may be the only chasing one both PTO and Pro Series, yet still goes racing a full a month before Frankfurt !

I am pretty sure that in Kyle’s video post SF T100 he stated he was racing Roth, which would make sense given who his coach is!

Really amazed that Tomas Rodriguez is not fully commited to the Pro Series when he has the potential to win it and that he has raced no 70.3 when he really needs to improve his poor Oceanside score.

Hot take: Rodriguez really really wants to do this race, like scores of pros and amateurs worldwide. Not everything is a calculation to optimize your bank account balance.

(Yes I do agree that it’s perhaps not the optimal career decision for Tomas right now.)

Any idea of what is the chance for a wetsuit legal race in Roth? How’s it been in the past? Anyone in the area who knows what’s it been these days? 2 weeks out and is time to start thinking about these things :slight_smile:

The weather this year has been terrible, it’ll be wetsuit legal.

I live 250km north, the open air pools have all opened late this year it’s been so bad.

We have a swimming lake around the corner and that still doesn’t have many people swimming in it - usually it’s busy from the middle of May.

We’ve had a lot less sun and a lot more rain.

As a comparison my solar panels usually produce around 55kW a day average in June. This year is 42kW

Tldr: take a wetsuit

All the best :slight_smile:

Best news i got today :)… This build up to long distance has been shit on swimming for me. Super low volume so i will need that wetsuit :slight_smile:

Temperatures in Bavaria can be crazy often either hot or cold. Remember one day it was 36 and the following day my wife said it was 6. Told her the thermometer must have broken. It hadn’t.!
Chiming in the weather in Europe has been terrible and Spring felt like Fall. Heck i thought that Mont Tremblant could have here by the look of it !

Unsure you have seen this - but that may be an explanation??

Really amazed that Tomas Rodriguez is not fully commited to the Pro Series when he has the potential to win it and that he has raced no 70.3 when he really needs to improve his poor Oceanside score.

Hot take: Rodriguez really really wants to do this race, like scores of pros and amateurs worldwide. Not everything is a calculation to optimize your bank account balance.

(Yes I do agree that it’s perhaps not the optimal career decision for Tomas right now.)

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 19.20.57.png

It could! Thanks for posting. Of course it’s Jack Kelly, so I’m taking this rumor (“piece of news”) with a grain of salt.

Sunday thru Wed looks low 70s so let’s see if it stays like that. A mild weather race would be welcomed since I have been training in the cold and wind of Copenhagen

You don’t need to be worried about a non wetsuit race.

Worst case scenario the upstream lock will be opened to create some current. The cooler water is then used to regulate the temperature.

But even then. The year I did the race (2019) we had a proper summer in Europe, with some decent hot weather the weeks leading up to the race.
However, the lock was damaged and could not be opened, and without the chance to intervene, the water was realy nice, definitely non wetsuit level. During pre race swim practice, hardly anyone used a wetsuit, anticipating a non wetsuit swim.

Come race briefing the evening prior to the event, we were informed that wetsuits would be allowed…
I still have a vivid recollection of the tremendous sigh of relief that went through the tent (pre covid, not a virtual one).