Roth cancels December slots

While IM expands Kona to the point of needing 2 days and BOPers getting roll-downs, Roth is reducing field size based on athlete feedback. As a result, there will be no December registration.

They will also double the number of referees and implement race ranger.

Entry will probably still cost 50% of Kona.

Gotta love Felix’s passion and wanting to make it the race that AGers and Pros want it to be. Every year they make changes based on feedback and this fantastic race just keeps getting better.

Source: second video update for 2024 from Felix.

I did Roth in 2013 and the total participants with all the teams was something like 5000 people.
The course didn’t feel crowded and the superb logistics made it easy.

Then Roth has been double the size of Kona for years…

Then Roth has been double the size of Kona for years…

5000 includes the relay teams if you count each participant separately.

2023 had 3400 individuals and 600 teams. Relay teams start an hour after the last AGers.

Course and transition didn’t feel crowded at any point. Plenty accommodation available in Nürnberg. They’re far from exceeding capacity logistically and could add slots if the aim was purely more revenue.

And in my experience (2023), the people of Roth (town and county) were excited to host their annual party with 5000 participants.

Simultaneously good and sad- I missed my chance to register this year. I was hoping to get in on the December slots. But I am glad they are doing something for charity, and making the other changes.