Rotator Cuff/ Biceps Tendonitis

Any tricks that worked for people?
Been resting my shoulder as best I can for 6+ weeks and doing all sorts of recovery/rehab modalities, but I’m getting impatient

Any tricks that worked for people?
Been resting my shoulder as best I can for 6+ weeks and doing all sorts of recovery/rehab modalities, but I’m getting impatient

Obviously get medical advice, but in the interim - what caused the injury? Swimming?

Depending of how it happened, I’d not rest but find a good PT. Joints are usually not good to immobilize. Even with shoulder surgery I had a motion chair I was in for 3 hrs/day for 8 weeks. Good PTs and Ortho guys are gold.

As a physical therapist, those are very different conditions and you would likely benefit from a full exam by a PT or sports medicine physician and/or imaging.

Also, as we like to say, “rest is not rehab.” If you do not have a full thickness tear (i.e. just tendinopathy) the gold standard is progressively loading the tendons (Generally starting with isometrics for pain management and then incorporating eccentric loading until they are stronger).

Hope you get better soon.