Roe v Wade/Election Results

Not sure how Roe v Wade will play out with the presidential election but it appears to be a vital point drawing people to the polls to defeat Republican candidates. KY remained Democratic (for the gov), the Virginia Assembly is now majority Democratic, and Ohio passed a statute allowing abortion access.

It is looking like Republicans have found a sword they are willing to die on with Roe v Wade, and it may cost them dearly

Not sure? You are not alone. Google" trump’s position on abortion" and scroll down the headlines. The boy is all over the map looking for votes.

Not sure? You are not alone. Google" trump’s position on abortion" and scroll down the headlines. The boy is all over the map looking for votes.

The Roe v Wade discussion will likely have a strong impact on the presidential election but it is definitely having an impact at the state level.

A few years ago Sen Schumer said this

  • “I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions”*

The bad faith right lost their minds and falsely claimed that Schumer was threatening SCOTUS justices. They conveniently left out the rest of his quote

*"The bottom line is very simple: we will stand with the American people. We will stand with American women. We will tell President Trump and Senate Republicans who have stacked the court with right-wing ideologues, that **you’re gonna be gone in November *and you will never be able to do what you’re trying to do now, ever, ever again. You hear that over there on the far-right? You’re gone in November."

Schumer was right. The GOP has failed miserably in the last three elections.

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

I saw the same articles. They are afraid that ballot initiatives on abortion will increase the turn out at the polls in the wrong direction, and they are probably correct. An off year minimizes that damage. It is a classic case of the dog catching the car and now knowing what to do next.

Not many elections in my area. The only one of interest was Mayor of Wichita. Incumbent was a democrat and he lost soundly. LIly Wu a former reporter backed heavily by the Koch brothers won easily.

I saw the same articles. They are afraid that ballot initiatives on abortion will increase the turn out at the polls in the wrong direction, and they are probably correct. An off year minimizes that damage. It is a classic case of the dog catching the car and now knowing what to do next.

It is just so dumb thought. The issue isnt going to magically go away. I am glad ballot initiatives regarding Obamacare made the issue go away in 2010…

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

The Republicans in Ohio say they are going to put a counter constitutional amendment on the ballot next year. Not sure what their strategy is but they are intent on making sure everyone knows they will go after abortion rights as soon as they get the chance if you vote for them. It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see how it works out for them.

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

Yeah, that’s false optimism by the Republicans.

The narrative will be “If the Republicans take control, they will pass a Federal Abortion ban.”

Republicans will swear it isn’t true. Nobody will believe them.

I am glad ballot initiatives regarding Obamacare made the issue go away in 2010…

Populist outrage is a funny thing, isn’t it? “ObamaCare” was the huge frenzy around 2015. For Trump it was right there with “The Wall.” Overturned on Day One, etc. Then after a SCOTUS decision and Senator McCain giving Trump the middle finger, it’s just gone. Almost never talked about anymore.

The populist faction of the GOP is searching for that new populist outrage. “Woke” was great, but that wave peaked too early it seems. “The border” is still there, but I think people have tired of it just a little as well. Abortion dog caught the car. “Hunter” is OK, but I think deep down even TylerTri knows it’s a bit silly. “Buttigieg” (e.g. the House just voting to cut his salary to $1) will I think be a non-starter. It only makes the GOP look like they’re scared of Buttigieg’s long-term ambitions.

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

Why? They know the majority (daresay vast) want abortion to be legal in some fashion. Getting it out of the way neuters that from the ballot. Win Win for the GOP. Now they just need to purge the MAGA clowns

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

Why? They know the majority (daresay vast) want abortion to be legal in some fashion. Getting it out of the way neuters that from the ballot. Win Win for the GOP. Now they just need to purge the MAGA clowns

Narrator from 2024 - “Abortion was not out of the way”

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

Why? They know the majority (daresay vast) want abortion to be legal in some fashion. Getting it out of the way neuters that from the ballot. Win Win for the GOP. Now they just need to purge the MAGA clowns

Except MAGA clowns = the modern Republican party. Without them, Pubbies will never win another election.

I think the Republicans have been pronounced dead many times over the last few decades. When Obama won the Republicans were never going to win again because the new demographics (young people, Latinos, Black voters) don’t vote Republican. I think the next few decades people will continue to swing to the left and right looking for some demagogue to solve their problems. The looming massive debt is a problem that has the potential for much craziness when it can no longer be ignored.

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

Why? They know the majority (daresay vast) want abortion to be legal in some fashion. Getting it out of the way neuters that from the ballot. Win Win for the GOP. Now they just need to purge the MAGA clowns

Sounds so simple.

How do you suggest the GOP purges 65% of the party?

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

Why? They know the majority (daresay vast) want abortion to be legal in some fashion. Getting it out of the way neuters that from the ballot. Win Win for the GOP. Now they just need to purge the MAGA clowns

Sounds so simple.

How do you suggest the GOP purges 65% of the party?

By running more extreme candidates, if recent history is any indication.

For the Pubs, the beatings will continue until the behavior improves, as they say. They’re on the wrong side of abortion and it’s a much bigger issue than the other dog whistle-type issues a party can cling to.

They will feel it at the polls until they move their position, which I’ve seen zero indication they intend to do.

I saw some tweets where republicans are glad such initiatives were on the ballot now, and not in 2024 - because it took the democrats biggest card off the table.

This is just crazy take.

Why? They know the majority (daresay vast) want abortion to be legal in some fashion. Getting it out of the way neuters that from the ballot. Win Win for the GOP. Now they just need to purge the MAGA clowns

Sounds so simple.

How do you suggest the GOP purges 65% of the party?

Their way forward is easy.

Step 1 - change their position on the one issue that is foremost in the minds of 75% of their primary voters, and on which they claimed their sole big victory under Trump, and dump 2/3 of their voters.

Step 2 - ?

Step 3 - VICTORY!!!

They should just change their name to the Underpants Gnome Party.

Getting it out of the way neuters that from the ballot.

But its not out of the way. Abortion rights should have been out of the way because of Roe vs. Wade - that didnt stop it from being a major issue for decades. Its just a dumb thing to say.

Glad trump got rid of saying we need immigration controls, america first, repeal and replace, etc… and we all can collectively move on to other things. Its crazy how the democrats dont need to worry about those things any more. The democrats were smart for having trump win in 2016, it took a lot of the right wing talking points off the table.