[Roast me] Another position judgement thread

Apart from the missing visor of the helmet (because of heat), what do you guys think? I had the front lower in the past but this feels easier to produce power closer to non-TT position.

Maybe go lower a little bit on the front? I plan to get an angled spacer for the Canyon Speedmax for a slightly increased reach. Something like Sam Laidlow has here:

Can you relax and lower your head without changing any equipment?

It looks almost as if you are trying to sit up right

Yes, I’d say so. Definitely can relax into it more and lower the head a little. For lowering more, I’d need to remove a spacer… Or maybe additional reach would also do that

With your head so high you would likely benefit from angling up your extensions 15-20 degrees.

I’m saying don’t lower the bars. Lower your head

Relax the shoulders. You se the difference between you and Sam

In my option it is less about the handle bar/extensions and more about releasing into the position.

Maybe try to get longer by pushing the elbow pads/bar forward


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Thanks, good point, gonna try that :slight_smile: