Road House remake feat. Jake Gyllenhaal and Conor McGregor

I’m not gonna lie, this looks like a remake I will definitely watch.

If you can guarantee that I get to see Conner McGregor get his ass kicked, I will watch.

If you can guarantee that I get to see Conner McGregor get his ass kicked, I will watch.

Agree with you on that, McGregor is an ass.who deserves to get it kicked.

Are you…familiar with the Road House storyline? I would definitely watch operating under the assumption McGregor gets his ass kicked at some point.

I am so tired of his BS

Given i don’t think chandler and he will meet in the ring, I think we will have to just take jake doing it

I’m going to hope it is better than the Walking Tall remake. No matter what, we’ll always have the original to fall back on. One of the best movies ever made.

I’m not gonna lie, this looks like a remake I will definitely watch.

Nope Nope Nope. The first one was so good there is no reason to remake it. I love Gyllenhaal but nope.

Well, Jake is actually an exceptional actor and literally nobody in Walking Tall remake had acting talent, so that’s a step in the right direction.

Well, Jake is actually an exceptional actor and literally nobody in Walking Tall remake had acting talent, so that’s a step in the right direction.

No lies detected.

Jake better be jacked.

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Yup. That works.

I agree.

If you can guarantee that I get to see Conner McGregor get his ass kicked, I will watch.

Yes. Plus, Jake is nice to look at.

ETA: I’ve never seen the original.

And, I would LOVE to see Chandler kick CMcG’s ass.

With that downlighting (and probably gear), anyone can look like that.

Well, Jake is actually an exceptional actor and literally nobody in Walking Tall remake had acting talent, so that’s a step in the right direction.

I’m glad they gave the lead to someone who can act. Fortunately from seeing the trailer it looks like McGregor has a small part as a villain. I could barely understand him.

the film will premiere at SXSW film festival in March then only available on Amazon Prime streaming.

This film was a MGM production that Amazon acquired when they bought MGM. the director is pissed it’s not getting a theatrical release.

Director of Jake Gyllenhaal’s Road House remake boycotts film premiere in protest of Prime Video (

“Road House is set to be released in the United States via streaming on Prime Video by Amazon MGM Studios on March 21, 2024.”

ETA: I’ve never seen the original.

I enjoy much of what you post.

This fact, however, is unbelievably disturbing to me.

Disappointing even