
Trump makes an appearance on night one, somewhat unusual but expected given the recent events.

He is conspicuously natural in appearance. Pale, no orange tint makeup, hair soft and messier than usual. Not sure if this is a calculated image shift but it is a bit jarring.

Trump makes an appearance on night one, somewhat unusual but expected given the recent events.

He is conspicuously natural in appearance. Pale, no orange tint makeup, hair soft and messier than usual. Not sure if this is a calculated image shift but it is a bit jarring.

He’s probably not going to come off humble and human this week. Same shit. Different day. Nothing to see here

Pretty low energy first day. Standard fare. Amber Rose. Head of the Teamsters. The usual.

Your single speed sarcasm gear can be exhausting to read. Have you considered just writing what you actually mean to say?

It was relatively low energy, I agree. Who is Amber Rose again, besides Kanye’s ex and an OnlyFans model? Regardless, a fitting monologue for that crowd, talking about doing her own ree-surch to conclude that he isn’t racist. I don’t know about you but my mind is changed.

In the interest of unity MTG made attacking trans people one of the key parts of her speech. Everyone hates trans people, Unity!

“They promised normalcy and gave us Transgender Visibility Day on Easter Sunday”

Fact Check: Biden did not set Transgender Day of Visibility to annually coincide with Easter | Reuters
Partisan Controversy Over Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility - FactCheck.org
Republicans upset as Trans Day of Visibility, Easter fall on same day - The Washington Post

In the interest of unity MTG made attacking trans people one of the key parts of her speech. Everyone hates trans people, Unity!

“They promised normalcy and gave us Transgender Visibility Day on Easter Sunday”

Fact Check: Biden did not set Transgender Day of Visibility to annually coincide with Easter | Reuters
Partisan Controversy Over Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility - FactCheck.org
Republicans upset as Trans Day of Visibility, Easter fall on same day - The Washington Post

we all think MTG is dumb. literally everyone in this forum. what’s your goal here? where’s your post about amber rose? since you didn’t denounce her, are you tacitly endorsing her appearance and message? that’s strange.

In the interest of unity MTG made attacking trans people one of the key parts of her speech. Everyone hates trans people, Unity!

“They promised normalcy and gave us Transgender Visibility Day on Easter Sunday”

Fact Check: Biden did not set Transgender Day of Visibility to annually coincide with Easter | Reuters
Partisan Controversy Over Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility - FactCheck.org
Republicans upset as Trans Day of Visibility, Easter fall on same day - The Washington Post

we all think MTG is dumb. literally everyone in this forum. what’s your goal here? where’s your post about amber rose? since you didn’t denounce her, are you tacitly endorsing her appearance and message? that’s strange.

The Republican National Committee does not think MTG is dumb, they gave her a prime speaking spot on the first day of the Convention when everyone was tuning in to hear about Trump, and his VP pick. It is not the first time MTG has been given a position of honor by her party, Republicans in Congress have made her speaker pro tempore several times.

I had no idea who Amber Rose is so I Googled her. Turns out she is a former stripper whose claim to fame is dating a series of rappers and basketball players. The theme of the day was economic policy so they invited Kanye West’s former girlfriend to speak? That’s strange.

In the interest of unity MTG made attacking trans people one of the key parts of her speech. Everyone hates trans people, Unity!

“They promised normalcy and gave us Transgender Visibility Day on Easter Sunday”

Fact Check: Biden did not set Transgender Day of Visibility to annually coincide with Easter | Reuters
Partisan Controversy Over Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility - FactCheck.org
Republicans upset as Trans Day of Visibility, Easter fall on same day - The Washington Post

we all think MTG is dumb. literally everyone in this forum. what’s your goal here? where’s your post about amber rose? since you didn’t denounce her, are you tacitly endorsing her appearance and message? that’s strange.

The Republican National Committee does not think MTG is dumb, they gave her a prime speaking spot on the first day of the Convention when everyone was tuning in to hear about Trump, and his VP pick. It is not the first time MTG has been given a position of honor by her party, Republicans in Congress have made her speaker pro tempore several times.

I had no idea who Amber Rose is so I Googled her. Turns out she is a former stripper whose claim to fame is dating a series of rappers and basketball players. The theme of the day was economic policy so they invited Kanye West’s former girlfriend to speak? That’s strange.

yes, by not condemning amber rose you obviously think she’s great. it’s too late now so we’ll all just have to accept that you believe in her message. in fact, everyone on this forum that hasn’t denounced amber rose so far is guilty by association.

I have not been watching it but from snippets from the news it seems to be a disciplined well run convention. Which will likely contrast with the Democratic convention. I don’t think the average casual voter is going to parse whoever the lady is with the orange hair. Or was it orange I cannot remember. I guess she fits the diversity profile saying she could be in love with a man or a woman. Doesn’t seem very stable.

Probably a convention that works for the Party. Rather sad though.

Your single speed sarcasm gear can be exhausting to read. Have you considered just writing what you actually mean to say?

It was relatively low energy, I agree. Who is Amber Rose again, besides Kanye’s ex and an OnlyFans model? Regardless, a fitting monologue for that crowd, talking about doing her own ree-surch to conclude that he isn’t racist. I don’t know about you but my mind is changed.

Amber Rose is a nobody. She influences no one who’s vote might be new or different this election

She is nothing for you to worry about.

VAN JONES, CNN: That was probably the most dangerous speech for the Democratic coalition. That is a young woman of color.

She’s describing the experience a lot of people have, feeling that maybe if you’re around too many liberals you might get criticized too much, or you might not be able to speak your mind. And she spoke to it really well. And she’s way more famous than any of us up here. I’m going to tell you that. Way more famous. And so to the extent that these guys are trying to bust up our coalition, that was a bunker buster right there.

By the way, and it’s one of the things we’ve been talking about, but there are speakers who speak to the room, and there are speakers who speak through the television screen. She speaks through the camera to the audience at home, not— I mean, she’s effective in the room, but when you’re yelling into the room, that is not communicating directly through the lens.

Whattabout Amber Rose!?!? might be one of the more unique attempts to deflect from MTG spewing nonsense from the stage at the Republican National Convention.

It appears many Republicans were not happy with her appearance at the convention

Amber Rose Speaking at RNC Sparks Republican Fury - Newsweek



MTG. It’s what he has… it’s all he has… let him have MTG.

Nutella is part of a coalition on the left right now (small one) that includes the President and his press secretary. Their entire life and message was wrapped up in one thing. And when the world changed they are unable to change with it.

Nutella is a flamethrowing pitcher who blows everybody away when he shows up. But now we are a couple times through the line up and hitters are figuring him out. He has no other pitch to throw. Hatred and division. If I just throw it even harder maybe I’ll get it past them.


CNN reporter describes moment in VIP box during Teamsters president speech | Watch (msn.com)

Amber Rose is the only thing that happened on the first night of the RNC. Well except for the Teamster President speaking (for the first time at an RNC in 121 years) and calling Trump one tough SOB.

If you just let Nutella keep throwing his fastball maybe some of the actual thinking folks on this site (and there are plenty) will start to realize who they are agreeing with and where he’s taking them.

TFG 34 is doing his best to stay awake during the RNC.

Such a fighter.

TFG 34 is doing his best to stay awake during the RNC.

Such a fighter.

Was it during a prayer or moment of silence?

TFG 34 is doing his best to stay awake during the RNC.

Such a fighter.

That post-assassination attempt round of golf probably wore him out.

Or is he thinking about what he should have said to the family of the man killed at the rally, had he thought to reach out to them (either before, during, or after his round of golf)?


I’m at the RNC to represent the working people of America: Sean O’Brien | Watch (msn.com)

Here’s Sean O’Brien. Apologies for the fact that what he is actually saying is posted from “msn” but might be from a different source (eb).

He’s a life long Democrat.

He represents 1.3 million unionized workers.

He knows his group is split on who they vote for just as the country is.

He says he wants what’s right for the American worker (while I disagree with a lot of his positions I believe he is sincere about that).

He took the chance of being criticized by both sides by offering to speak at both conventions. He feels it’s the right way to get the working mans view across.

Trump took him up on it immediately for the RNC… months later he still hasn’t heard a word from the DNC… “crickets” in his words.

He got up on stage last night and spoke his peace. He said it was the first time in 121 years that a Teamster head had spoken at the RNC. And he called Trump one tough SOB.

Amber Rose, a significant influence to the coalitions who have shown interest in movement in decades (black, young, hispanic etc etc) got up and talked about how she used to hate Trump but her father influenced her to do her own research. She went out to the red hat crowd and realized they were nothing but loving and welcoming. She said she found a home in the red hat crowd. They are her people now.

But let’s talk more about the big mouth congress critter from rural Georgia.

The ground is shifting right below Nutella’s feet. He doesn’t know what to do. So he throws the MTG fastball. There are a few others here like Blep who can’t think beyond that either. But there are some folks here who are waking up to what’s changing and realizing sometime before the DNC in August they might want to encourage their party to bring something other than Trumps a threat to Democracy and MTG is mean to the table.

TFG 34 is doing his best to stay awake during the RNC.

Such a fighter.

Was it during a prayer or moment of silence?

Well, if it was during a prayer, he’s failing at that as well.

So is it a complement to be called one tough SOB?

The ground is shifting under our feet. Reasonable people don’t know what to do. That doesn’t make pointing out all the ways this shift is self-evidently terrible invalid.