RIP Peter Hurley

It is with great sadness that we see the loss of a great person and friend within the industry. I hope we can take the time to write something positive about him and the legacy he now leaves on this sport and space. Peter was a great human and friend. I am very sad on this day for the loss we all now share.

I hope you enjoy many rides in the clouds above my friend god speed

That really sucks. Never met him before, but I love it when you have a business leader who is passionate about actually using their products. Sorry for your loss and to all those who knew him.

I wonder what the future holds for ABG and QR? Too soon perhaps to contemplate but with all the havoc I hear behind the scenes in the bike world, I hope the business is doing ok.

Between my Litespeed bikes and QR bikes (thanks Herbert for the latter and Dan for getting all that rolling), I got to ride many miles on his brands. I just read the front page article and it sounds like he was active to really the last day which is a great way to go and for everyone the best we can ask for. Hopefully, you, his family and friends come through the grieving path OK. In the mean time rejoice your interactions with him as it sounds like you both were close

This is very sad for me to see, hosted him and his crew up here at the house many times over the years. He was a really good dude. And gone way too soon, there was so much left for him here, feelings go out to the family…

Thanks so much Eric, and thank you to Dan for the lovely homepage writeup; as I mentioned to Dan today, the relationship between he and Peter was a special one—a bit of a mutual admiration club. Peter was always cognizant of ensuring the Quintana Roo brand and ethos measured up to the standard that Dan created. On top of that, the two were just passionate athletes.

I for one count myself blessed to have had the chance to work under him for the last four years, but grateful to have known him for well before then as editor at Triathlete magazine. He was so kind and thoughtful to everyone—our customers in particular, but his vendors, friends like Eric, Ryan and Dan here, and his staff, whom he treated like family. And of course, he was a great industry visionary.

The Quintana Roo team has been floored by today’s news, and we’re rallying to be there for the Hurley family in every way we can. He will be missed.

Thanks so much Eric, and thank you to Dan for the lovely homepage writeup; as I mentioned to Dan today, the relationship between he and Peter was a special one—a bit of a mutual admiration club. Peter was always cognizant of ensuring the Quintana Roo brand and ethos measured up to the standard that Dan created. On top of that, the two were just passionate athletes.

I for one count myself blessed to have had the chance to work under him for the last four years, but grateful to have known him for well before then as editor at Triathlete magazine. He was so kind and thoughtful to everyone—our customers in particular, but his vendors, friends like Eric, Ryan and Dan here, and his staff, whom he treated like family. And of course, he was a great industry visionary.

The Quintana Roo team has been floored by today’s news, and we’re rallying to be there for the Hurley family in every way we can. He will be missed.

Jay I am just quoting this, because it is rare that team members care that much about their company leaders. And it is also rare that the CEO of a company that acquires a startup cares that much about ethos of the standard that the startup founder created, so that speaks volumes.

I remember the day when, as an employee of ABG, the announcement was made that Peter was joining as CEO.

Over the following 5 years, I had the pleasure of working with, and speaking with Peter daily, and during that period, as he transformed ABG into the success we see today. He not only became a trusted friend, but someone I would come to look up to in terms of his business acumen, but more importantly, in terms of him as an incredibly kind, caring and generous human.

I cannot add anything to Dan’s eloquent and fitting tribute to Peter in terms of what he has achieved, but I needed to share my thoughts here as a way to deal with this shocking news.

He never stopped talking about how much he loved his wife and family, had no ego, and was a humble man. I’m sure I speak for a lot of people who also crossed Peter’s path on this point.

I’ll take my Litespeed for a ride later, and remember the good times , when I rode with Peter many times in the past, with us both laughing and smiling.

See you on the other side Peter, you were an inspiration to me, and will always be in my thoughts.

Just awful news. Peter was one of my favorite people in the industry. He will be sorely missed.

Unbelievable sad news, I never met Peter but was supposed to meet him in two months at Challenge Almere where they are the global bike sponsor of.
I did some reading on him lately to have an understanding who I was going to meet.

I wish his family and all people at ABG my sincere condolences.


Condolences to family, friends and his business colleagues. Owned Litespeed and QR bikes, last new one 2017 QR PRsix. Hope QR carries on.

Sad story. Judging by my great experience buying three of their bikes in the past 2 years he ran a great company. I hope it gets handed off to an equally good leader.

Sad story. Judging by my great experience buying three of their bikes in the past 2 years he ran a great company. I hope it gets handed off to an equally good leader.

i don’t think anybody needs to worry about the future of the company. when this was my brand i was the idea guy. i was not the guy whose job was to treat the idea with care, foster it, make it blossom, make it strong. peter is that guy. the big logistic lift, that’s largely done. the idea people are still there. peter did not exactly made himself redundant before he left us, but he made himself replaceable.

Sad story. Judging by my great experience buying three of their bikes in the past 2 years he ran a great company. I hope it gets handed off to an equally good leader.

i don’t think anybody needs to worry about the future of the company. when this was my brand i was the idea guy. i was not the guy whose job was to treat the idea with care, foster it, make it blossom, make it strong. peter is that guy. the big logistic lift, that’s largely done. the idea people are still there. peter did not exactly made himself redundant before he left us, but he made himself replaceable.

Usually if a CEO does a good job, its not that you are replaceable, but the system and machinery he put in place with his imprints all over it, can run itself from which the next guy/team can build from. So it sounds like he achieved that so in a way the person lives on with what they left behind. They are just not there (not great, but I think the best we can do in this life, is leave a useful imprint on what we leave behind).

Dan and Dev nailed it; we maintain a leadership structure that leaves us in very capable hands, with a team of leaders that we’ve been working under/reporting to for many years, and I’m sure that will be made clear in appropriate time. Nothing changes operationally; we stay with our foot on the gas.

Dan and Dev nailed it; we maintain a leadership structure that leaves us in very capable hands, with a team of leaders that we’ve been working under/reporting to for many years, and I’m sure that will be made clear in appropriate time. Nothing changes operationally; we stay with our foot on the gas.

He lives…he just lives via the system and team execution that is in place today. No different than if he went on a 5 hrs ride or a training camp in Hawaii and the team keeps executing his plan, his system, his culture. Now he’s on a perpetual training camp away from ABG and in the words of John McCrae, “to you from failing hands we throw the torch”…now you all have the torch full time, now just when he is vacation or a ride. Carry his torch forward and the rest of us keep enjoing out on road (or water)

I got to know Peter quite well during the days of Triathlon Business International. While we were competitors in the wetsuit space, we were friends and staunch supporters of each other in communications about materials, production, who to sell to, who not to sell to, and our love for this sport and industry. He will be missed and sending prayers to his family.