Ride peloton one leg

I had surgery on my one foot and in a walking boot for 6 weeks. Could I ride my peloton with one foot …lol. Or would that cause so problems ?

What did you have done?

people do single leg spin drills, no? So a little bit should be ok. I think you’d want to be careful doing lots so as not to develop muscle imbalances.

I was in a boot for quite awhile in summer 2021 due to foot surgery. I lifted weights w my upper body and swam once I was cleared to do so.
Other things you might consider are those ski erg things

keep us updated as to how you are.

I rode the trainer one legged when I had a broken foot and had a cast on my leg. It definitely helped me learn how to spin instead of mash the pedals.

I had a torn ligament(ruptured plantar plate) and badly dislocated toe where the bone had to be shaved.

I’m just trying to get some cadio in. I was going to do about 10-15 minutes a few days a week.

I’ve had countless foot failures. Honestly, the best thing you can do is swim. Max out swimming as soon as the doc clears you to be in a pool, and take advantage of it.

That won’t be for 4-6 weeks. I not allowed to really flex the foot at all. Need something in the meantime.

You should go watch Lucy Charles Barclay’s YouTube channel. There’s a bunch of footage of her riding the bike in a boot.

You can swim without flexing your foot. Not very efficient, but beneficial. I’ve had two foot surgeries, including broken metatarsal with screws. You can spin one-footed, but swimming is the best overall, until you can truly return to the two-footed stuff.

I had achilles surgery on 9/13. On 10/2 i got my cast off and am now in a boot. I put a flat pedal on my trainer bike and ride in the boot with my heel on the pedal. The doctor gave that as a way to cross train. At first i could do only z1 but as my achilles has recovered i can now get to high z2.

I had to lower the seat a tad.

Ask your doctor what you can do.

You should go watch Lucy Charles Barclay’s YouTube channel. There’s a bunch of footage of her riding the bike in a boot.THANK YOU

I had achilles surgery on 9/13. On 10/2 i got my cast off and am now in a boot. I put a flat pedal on my trainer bike and ride in the boot with my heel on the pedal. The doctor gave that as a way to cross train. At first i could do only z1 but as my achilles has recovered i can now get to high z2.

I had to lower the seat a tad.

Ask your doctor what you can do.


You can swim without flexing your foot. Not very efficient, but beneficial. I’ve had two foot surgeries, including broken metatarsal with screws. You can spin one-footed, but swimming is the best overall, until you can truly return to the two-footed stuff.TY

You should go watch Lucy Charles Barclay’s YouTube channel. There’s a bunch of footage of her riding the bike in a boot.

I searched quick and couldn’t find any

You can swim without flexing your foot.

19 years ago I had an accident that badly damaged my left leg. My left ankle has only a few degrees range of motion, combined with a size 12.5 / 4E foot I might as well be swimming in a boot…

Pretty sure it was this video: https://youtu.be/SDNdtY3-yCE?feature=shared

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