Retul shutting down Frame Finder - options?

Retul has sent out notification that as of Jan 1 2015, Frame Finder will be taken offline, revamped a bit and then made available again for a monthly fee and for SPECIALIZED frames only.

That’s a big kick in the pants to the independent bike fitters like myself. I’ve got clients that are scrambling to get in a fit before Jan 2015.

Suggestions for alternate Frame Finder type software? I heard Guru has something similar - any experience with it?



I’ve been wondering about this, too. I was thinking if we could all work together to update the Slowtwitch stack and reach database, we could have something really useful.

When it comes down to it, having a centralized list of the measurements of frames and other components would be good, along with a few tools to put together a configuration based on those (i.e., to get this pad stack and reach with this frame and these handlebars, use this stem with this many spacers, etc.). Maybe take the open source/wiki/cloud approach to it?

I would be willing to help out. I’m an IT Business Analyst by day, and although my time is pretty limited these days, could probably help out with database design, implementation, screen design, and data entry. I already have been starting to gather my own information on frames, but it’s a exercise in futility by myself, and only benefits me. The key to making it valuable would be to allow others to add new equipment, rather than having one person stuck with that task. If we can kind of form an alliance, we could have something good - perhaps a website and maybe even a mobile app. I do know some technology people who can help, although they would be less willing to work for free.

Completely agree, Travis; there may be a day in the future where the geometry is no longer posted on the brands’ website. I can definitely see that happening sooner for Some brands than others.


The tool that GURU is offering is called “Bike Discovery”. We have taken the brains that exist in the GURU DFU system software and created a stand alone piece of software that is extremely easy to use. It will work with any fit bike, all that you need are fit coordinates. There is even a link on SlowTwitch for a 10 day free trial of the software →

GURU will also be hosting a webinar style presentation in February(dates to be announced soon) that will go through use and benefits. If in the meantime you have any questions feel free to direct message me and I can help you out.

Best Regards,
Sam @ GURU

We have a beta site (FREE for now - which allows storage of coordinates,and then you can view cup stack and reach on Fit targets for many tri bikes on the market (only tri bikes for now). The whole site is being majorly upgraded behind the scenes, so I am waiting to add more bikes/bars etc. Admittedly little work has been done on cosmetic bells and whistles, but the back end is quite robust. Soon virtual bike buildup and “superbike” calculators will be added (much of which is already implemented behind the scenes). This will tie in with our fitbike out put as well (we are currently using it this way). Once everything is implemented, it will still likely be free for most folks. Power users (professional fitters coaches etc) who want to store many fit profiles and use the advanced calculators will require a nominal sub fee. Unless I can figure out how to keep it free.