Resurrection of the 20lb weight loss challenge

So this morning I stepped on the scale and had a shock…193lbs. Over the past few years I’ve been carrying around an extra 20-25lbs easy and I have decided it is time to lose it for good. Many on this forum participated in the speedy’s weight loss challenge last spring, so I’m proposing we start it up again with some real incentive to lose the weight. On the way to work I brainstormed about what could drive me to succeed this time - here is what I came up with:

  • Goal: 170 by Dec 31, 2006

  • I assume because of the popularity of the last one there might be some who want to join. My incentive is this - if I don’t make 170 by Dec 31 I will send $20 to anyone who joins this challenge, posts their current and goal weight, and makes their goal by Dec 31.

If there is enough interest I will put a chart up on my site similar to what speedy did. Anyone in?

I’m in. I am traveling for work until the end of the week, so i will weigh in when i get back. My target is 91kg and i am pretty sure that i am about 102 at the moment.

Do we all send cash to each other if we fail?

Is this one of those guaranteed earner pyramid things? Sounds like fun…

Cash or check :slight_smile:

" … so I’m proposing we start it up again"

As a wellness and fitness coach, I propose we create some ‘rules’ (guidelines) which can help people lose the weight and keep it off. These guidelines will create energy-efficiency and can suffice for everyday – on season and off-season. I can help create these --they work!

Anyone interested?


I’m in - I’ve ballooned since my last IM…weighed in at 87.5kg - goal is 79

sure yes - the keeping it off is the hard part

I’m in.

6’1", 215 right now. I’d like to be down to 190.

I’m in, preping for IMAZ and I really could lose 20lbs. Right now, 6ft 217lbs. Anything under 200 would put me the lightest I been since…well a long time ago, maybe 20 years. The only downer would be that I wouldn’t qualify for the clydes, that’s a chance I will have to take :-).

I’m in. I was 187 yesterday.

I’m in - 180 now goal is 170.

I’m in. New baby has ruined my diet and training.

I don’t have 20 to lose, but could use some incentive to take off 5-10 and keep it off through the off-season. I notice a huge difference in the stress on my knees while running from just the additional 5 pounds. It is going to be an extremely run-centered winter so I have to be careful.

Lauren- I’d be very interested in any insight you could offer from your experience as a fitness coach :slight_smile:

Current 122 Goal 115 (I’m 5’3")

Bring it on !!!

I’m in: 70k at 1.74m, goal would be 63k.

Lauren, I am particularly interested in making the balance between eating enough between the various levels of training and non-training cycles.

Not sure how I get the money over to the U.S. but I am sure there are ways and means if Pay Pal doesn’t work for the challenge.

I think there needs to be a “lose the last 10 lbs” challenge.


Current weight (before Smith and Wolensky yesterday AGGGGG) 196.5lbs

Target weight 179 lbs

I’m in, but I’m not paying anyone 20$ a piece. Figure if there’s 50 or so people like last time…my wife would kill me.

I’ll report a weight mid week next week. With IMWI coming any weight I give will be a tad wierded out.

I’m guessing I’m around 160-165 and would like to get down around 145-150. I think I only lost 3-5 on the last go around.


This can be a “lose the last ten lbs” challenge if you want. The purpose is to have tangible motivation for losing the weight - i.e. $20 to each person that succeeeds if I don’t.

Looks like I’m going to be putting up page where you can track and enter your weight - hopefully by end of week…

It’s only $20/person if you don’t lose it :slight_smile:

I’m in. I’m currently 166. My goal is 150 by Dec 31.

I think everyone should come up with their own reward/punishment like we did with Speedy’s challenge. I gotta do some thinking about what mine will be. I want to find the right thing to motivate me.

Lauren - we would love to hear any and all things you have to help us out (as well as anyone else out there with tips).
