Resurrecting an Independent Triathlon?

Hey all,
The article that was posted today got me thinking again. I’m an OKC local and for years our area hosted the Redman triathlon, but COVID hurt the race and dwindling numbers forced the organizers to shut it down. I never had a chance to race it because I didn’t start triathlon racing until after 2020.
I’ve had thoughts about trying to resurrect the race with a crowd funding effort but I’m not sure if it would be worth it or if others have had success with crowdfunding races.
Anytime I’ve talked to people about it they were always sad to hear that it had gone away, so the prospect of bringing it back would be cool.
Let me know what yall have done and some options there are to bring back this cool race!

Hey all,
The article that was posted today got me thinking again. I’m an OKC local and for years our area hosted the Redman triathlon, but COVID hurt the race and dwindling numbers forced the organizers to shut it down. I never had a chance to race it because I didn’t start triathlon racing until after 2020.
I’ve had thoughts about trying to resurrect the race with a crowd funding effort but I’m not sure if it would be worth it or if others have had success with crowdfunding races.
Anytime I’ve talked to people about it they were always sad to hear that it had gone away, so the prospect of bringing it back would be cool.
Let me know what yall have done and some options there are to bring back this cool race!

To be blunt:

Best of luck, won’t work.

There are reasons races like Redman had shit numbers. Mostly had nothing to do with the race organizers or the race itself as far as Redman was concerned. Always heard good things about it. It’s market forces and market shifts. Tri has been on a downswing for 10+ years now and if your long distance event doesn’t have Ironman in the name you’re skiing uphill against an avalanche.

All those people that say they wish it would come back so they could do it are the reason races like that disappear. People say one thing and do another. I want to do Redman… and then register for Ironman Whatever instead.

I don’t understand what it would take to put on an event and the sequence of things

Could you tentatively book a date, open registration and say “I’ll run the race if 100 people sign up by XX date”?

Or, I’d that not feasible

I don’t understand what it would take to put on an event and the sequence of things

Could you tentatively book a date, open registration and say “I’ll run the race if 100 people sign up by XX date”?

Or, I’d that not feasible

Financial feasibility is what causes indie races to die or never really start. Especially now more than ever since event production, permitting, emergency services, and all that is so expensive.

I’m thinking of getting people to essentially pledge for a race that would “eventually” occur at some point in a calendar year, say 2025. Once certain bench marks are met we set firm dates ect. It’s something that would take some time, but I feel like as I get more connected to the community there will be more and more people who will want to do it. But nailing the time of year will be critical for the success of the race as OK can be sooo hot.

That would be the reason for crowd funding. The race doesn’t happen unless we hit certain bench marks monetarily so that it can feasibly make sense. I think with a big push in the local and regional areas it’s possible but it’s just a matter of getting the word out.

That’s hours I read thinking it would wish to

Do you understand the steps required / estimated costs so you inputs how to start to organize this?

I think it’s an awesome idea, but no idea how to help. Just watching from the sidelines

That would be the reason for crowd funding. The race doesn’t happen unless we hit certain bench marks monetarily so that it can feasibly make sense. I think with a big push in the local and regional areas it’s possible but it’s just a matter of getting the word out.

The thing is unless you have a race date and a commitment/approval from the local powers that be there is no race.

So you’d be taking money from people for a race that doesn’t exist.

I get crowd funding for new products and stuff like that but not for events that require significant government approvals and some financial outlay before you can even think about a race. I also get that most crowd funding is vaporware until it isn’t but I think you’re overestimating the support you’d get. I’d like to be wrong.

Hey all,
The article that was posted today got me thinking again. I’m an OKC local and for years our area hosted the Redman triathlon, but COVID hurt the race and dwindling numbers forced the organizers to shut it down. I never had a chance to race it because I didn’t start triathlon racing until after 2020.
I’ve had thoughts about trying to resurrect the race with a crowd funding effort but I’m not sure if it would be worth it or if others have had success with crowdfunding races.
Anytime I’ve talked to people about it they were always sad to hear that it had gone away, so the prospect of bringing it back would be cool.
Let me know what yall have done and some options there are to bring back this cool race!

I think it’s awesome that you are considering stepping up to the plate to put on a race.

My advice would be to reach out to some RD’s that you know, or can get introductions to. See if they’ll let you pick their brains on what it takes to set up a race.

Along those same veins it may be worth it to hire a race production company to put the race on while you be their #1 volunteer. Being the guy they tap to help with everything will teach you a lot about producing a race.

IMO it would be hard to put on a 1 off race if you’re not a race production company. You’re going to need things likes cones, fencing, transition racks, swim buoys, generator(s), oh so many extension cords, ways to keep people from tripping over them, duct tape - might be a good idea to get several colors, a lot of chalk, signage, some way to track how many swimmers go into the water and how many come out, sunscreen, work gloves, coolers, folding tables and the list could go on and on and on and on and on.

It might also be better to start with a 5k and a sprint and/or oly tri at the same time vs a long course race.

Good luck!

Hold it as an underground training race “suggesting” a mapped/marked course and start time. Offer some prizes or post race food. I did this with a local tri, eventually year by year grew to were I needed a permit, than insurance. When it came for these costs, we asked people for donation if they wanted. We hit monetary amounts well above what we needed that we put them towards prize and post race food

OKC local as well. Love the idea as I live next to the lake. Working with the city is extremely difficult though especially at that lake since there is a separate trust to get approval from as well. I met with the RD in the waning years to try and pitch some ideas to help bring it back. Hosting ITU Worlds there also had a pretty big negative impact also I think. Someone above mentioned a free “training day.” A buddy and I attempted to do that twice at El Reno for a half in which we paid for everything and had full aid stations, free timing, and the whole nine yards. The crude but funny website I made is probably still floating around out there and we had a good amount of people signup. We had it planned for April, but the first year it actually snowed a bunch the day of so we had to cancel. The next year came a COVID thing so we cancelled and never picked it back up the following year. We had shirts designed and trophies as well and an awesome random surfing wave trophy for the overall winner that we found in a trash pile somewhere. Would be interesting in possibly picking that back up if there was interest.

I have long thought about trying to resurrect the Buffalo Springs Lake Triathlon in Lubbock Texas. I have done the event probably 15+ times and was always my favorite event. I can understand discontinuing the event after Mike Greer passed away. I also think that relocating it from Buffalo Springs Lake to downtown at the campus was instrumental. I used to drive 9 to 10 hours to get there but now living in Las Cruces I am only 6 hours away. almost in my backyard!

I think that USA used to have an online race directors course. I will have to check into that.

I like your last name!
