Reserve Wheels

I’m trying to decide what set of race wheels to get and am interested in the Reserve 77/disc combo. Does anyone have any experience with these? I’m trying to save myself a couple thousand dollars because the other option is Princeton. Thanks in advance if you can help out!

Is the disc wheel spoked?

I wouldn’t hesitate. They’re developed by Cervelo, and I trust them to design fast parts. They are also quite wide, which I’d prefer over the Princeton.

But the Mach TS and Coda do get extra points for looking sexy as can be.

I’m building a road bike around their 52/63 wheels. They are pretty nice in person and SUPER wide. 32c GP5000’s measure a hair under 33mm. The 77/Disc combo isn’t quite as wide and seems optimized for 28c tires, so just make sure you have clearance. If you’re going tubeless I’d also recommend their Filmore valves stems.

I can’t find that info anywhere on the website. I’ll have to reach out to them.

That’s how I felt as well, which was why I thought they might be worth a shot. I agree about the tri spoke though. It just looks awesome.

I’m trying to decide what set of race wheels to get and am interested in the Reserve 77/disc combo. Does anyone have any experience with these? I’m trying to save myself a couple thousand dollars because the other option is Princeton. Thanks in advance if you can help out!

Did you look at Parcours ? I saw a set on a bike this weekend and they were nice. They also seem to provide a lot of technical info, and that kind of transparency is always a bonus. But I have no personal experience with them.

Thanks. I think the speed concept had 25 front and 28 rear clearance, so that should work just right.

I just checked them out. They look alright, but are quite a bit heavier than the others. Thanks for the recommendation though!

I’m trying to decide what set of race wheels to get and am interested in the Reserve 77/disc combo. Does anyone have any experience with these? I’m trying to save myself a couple thousand dollars because the other option is Princeton. Thanks in advance if you can help out!

Can I ask why those 2 brands and not others that have proven over and over to be among the fastest wheels out there? Just curious.

Such as?

Such as?

HED for example

Sure… I’m quite simply just not a big fan, so I’m looking for other options.

Sure… I’m quite simply just not a big fan, so I’m looking for other options.

That’s fine. I just don’t usually see Princeton/Reserve and “save a few bucks” in the same sentence. LOL.

I would buy Reserve, as I would Parcours, as I would HED as I would SwissSide.

I also have my I wouldn’t buy list but buy/not buy is 100% based on performance characteristics. And I’m cheap :slight_smile:

That’s fair. But $3500 is considerably less than $5500. I don’t mind the $3500 at all. I’m a little slower to pull the trigger above 5k for wheels.

I’d go with DT Swiss as well, but I’m having a really hard time finding a place to buy them locally. I think I’d have to drive to Toronto, which isn’t super close.

It’s been a long time since I bought new wheels. I rode zipps for the last decade, but now that I’m on a new bike, I’m seeing what else is out there. They haven’t seemed to change with the times, even though I always had pretty good success with them in the past.

Such as?

Premier tactical has wheels that are just a touch faster than HED’s across a yaw sweep. Hed which I saw you weren’t a fan of.

Hunt, ORR, Swissside,are some other brands come to mind. I’ve seen data, not lately though, maybe 4 yr ago, where ORR beat Zipp in the tunnel across a yaw sweep.

I just find the answers to these questions fascinating. I’ve talked to people who match decals to their frame color and that’s why they bought certain wheels, some are strictly on weight or this or that where as I always bought on performance. Even rode on mismatched wheels for a few years. (can’t tell you how many people gave me grief for that but A LOT)

Thanks for answering

That’s fine. I just don’t usually see Princeton/Reserve and “save a few bucks” in the same sentence. LOL.

I would buy Reserve, as I would Parcours, as I would HED as I would SwissSide.

I also have my I wouldn’t buy list but buy/not buy is 100% based on performance characteristics. And I’m cheap :slight_smile:

What’s on your do not buy list?

Do you have any data on princeton’s?

Personally I don’t have any data. However, Ineos seems to be very thoughtful in their equipment selection, so I take that as a sign they are quite good.

Not a big fan of Hed or Flo. Looking for a balance of aero, good hubs, weight and width.

I’m in the market for some new race wheels within the next 6-12 months so this is a timely post as I have been eyeing the princeton wheels. I have previously been a zipp brand snob but I’m looking for something faster this time around. Also looking for tubeless wheels (my current zipps aren’t tubeless ready).

I know princeton had some white papers a few years ago but that was on some of their older wheels and isn’t available on their website anymore. And I agree that ineos typically seems to know what they are doing.

For whatever reason, HED wheels don’t get me excited to ride them (same with flo). I don’t know what it is but they are just meh to me. I had some jet blacks as training wheels on my previous rim brake bike and they were great for training wheels. IMO, they just seem to be lacking something for racing. It’s nothing personal and probably more emotional but it’s just a feeling I have. I haven’t seen their newer vanquish wheels (they are all carbon now I think) in person so maybe that has changed.

I would be interested in DTSwiss but not sure how support would be for the USA and I’m unsure if you can get them easily in the states.

Princeton, Enve, DTSwiss are on the top of my list currently.

i also am looking for new race wheel for bike i built up over the winter. My struggle is finding current independent test data. I quotes and side remarks from those with way more knowledge about this brand being slow or that being faster but never any solid facts. Granted if its in paid tests by clients, I get it. I am also in the performance over cost camp but also willing to give up a few watts to save a few thousand. Tough to navigate the marketing hype to find what is fast in most real world situations.