Replacement resistance unit for Retul MUVE

I purchased a second hand Retul MUVE some time ago and it comes with a Powerbeam Pro resistance unit. I have sourced a power supply for this and it lights up/whirrs but I can’t seem to pair with anything and so have no way of measuring power or controlling resistance. I have managed to pick up a couple of different Cyclops head units but neither of these will pair (and neither will any of my Garmins or an ANT USB stick plugged into my PC).

The MUVE is clearly useable without being able to change resistance but being able to do so would be much more useful.

Can anyone suggest how to pair (and what with) or alternatively suggest a different resistance unit that I could swap out for?



As no one else has pitched in…

Old Powerbeam units use a proprietary ANT+ protocol (arggh!). So your current day ANT+ FE-C stuff or Garmin isn’t going to work. The only head units that supported it properly were the Joule GPS and chunky Joule 3.

There were a few options for controlling with a PC and ANT+ stick back in the day. The TrainerRoad legacy app is still available but no idea if it actually works. The original Rouvy Workouts app had native support but I can’t seem to find a download link. Zwift used to but it looks like it might have been dropped.

Your best option is PerfPro Studio which still supports it:

It requires dual ANT+ sticks, works pretty well and there’s a 14-day trial period to check it. If you can’t get this to detect the trainer in the first place then it’s almost certainly dead.

The same guy behind PerfPro has also developed a really neat little Smart Wireless bridge enabling it to emulate an ANT+ FE-C device. It would then be compatible with all your modern training apps and Garmin.

Thanks for replying

I have picked up a second hand Super Magneto Pro - the resistance unit has the same dimensions as the Powerbeam so is interchangeable. It has four different resistance curves so while not as flexible as a smart trainer still gives me more control the I previously had.