I’m doing the race in St. Croix this weekend and pretty much blew all of my money on the hotel and airfare. How easy is it to get around the island without a car? Especially the morning of the race? I’m staying at the Divi. The “official” race hotel which is actually 10 or 12 miles away from the race. Bummer. Any suggestions?
My fiance and I were under the impression that it is was only 3 or 4 miles away at the most. I am staying at the Divi as well and i hear that the taxi’s pretty much charge $25 to go anywhere no matter what the distance. Looks like we will get a good warm up before the race or maybe we can pool our money together and get a taxi before the race. That’s if anyone will pick us up that early in the morning.
You take cabs. You don’t want to be driving around anyway. You will have no idea where to park, how to get around, and at least once you will probably forget to drive on the left, which could be potentially very hazardous.
The Divi has shuttle service race morning.
Divi is a great resort - You only need to come into town to sign up and do a practice swim. You can ride in during the day. DO NOT ride in on race morning! There are NO lights on the roads into town.
The best part about staying at Divi is that you can have a great time at the awards ceremony and not have to worry about driving back to town. Z