Removing Shiv Brake Posts

I have a 2012 Shiv and I’m trying to switch out the stock brakes for a pair of Tririg Omegas. I need to remove the brake posts that are used to mount the stock brakes but they are completely stuck. Anyone have any ideas for how to get them out?

Nothing to offer but sympathy. Shiv brakes are a pain in the ass. Not as bad as P5 from what’s been said here, but I’ve never worked on the P5.

I removed mine from my 2012 Shiv, but didn’t have much difficulty. I don’t remember if they have an allen screw hole in them or if I just used a pair of pliers (I think it was the pliers). But there wasn’t anything special going on there or holding them in.

There are wrench flats on the bottom of the posts (from memory 13mm). They’ll have some loctite or similar on them so they take a bit of strength but will just unscrew.

There are wrench flats on the bottom of the posts (from memory 13mm). They’ll have some loctite or similar on them so they take a bit of strength but will just unscrew.

X2 on this. Super easy. Just need a 13mm or adjustable wrench and a little muscle to work them loose.

There are wrench flats on the bottom of the posts (from memory 13mm). They’ll have some loctite or similar on them so they take a bit of strength but will just unscrew.

I have a transition and thought that the posts looked to be removable; even got some pliers and tried to take one off, but didn’t have enough liquid courage in me to actually go for it. hmm… I have Shiv Maguras, so I’d just have to find some allen bolts to hold them on…

I have a 2012 Shiv and I’m trying to switch out the stock brakes for a pair of Tririg Omegas. I need to remove the brake posts that are used to mount the stock brakes but they are completely stuck. Anyone have any ideas for how to get them out?

Hacksaw. Gently.

I have a 2012 Shiv and I’m trying to switch out the stock brakes for a pair of Tririg Omegas. I need to remove the brake posts that are used to mount the stock brakes but they are completely stuck. Anyone have any ideas for how to get them out?

Hacksaw. Gently.
No. A hacksaw is NOT the route to go. You have to unscrew them, as installation of the Omega X requires the M8 threaded holes underneath. Others in the thread have given appropriate advice on how to unscrew.

I should have made it pink.

Did this earlier in the year to my 2012 shiv. Front were no issue rear were terrible. I used some liquid wrench let it sit for an hr and reapplied then put in the bike stand and use lock jaw pliers on the post. Had a buddy hold the frame also so it wouldnt twist and finally it cam out. But It was nearly impossible, you really have to crank down on the pliers. The other option is to drill them out but drill to big where you damage the threaded insert. Hope that helps and you will love the Tririg brakes best thing ever on that bike, wish I had done earlier.

Nick, does the same apply to a transition?

Nick, does the same apply to a transition?
Yes. Exact same posts, exact same procedure. Same applies anywhere you have a TRP U-shaped caliper, like the rear of a Triad SL, Felt B2, and others.

Do you know the length of the M8 bolts?

What are you asking about - the length of the M8 bolts we supply with the Omega X direct-mount adapter? Or the length of the M8 threading on the TRP canti studs?

Sorry, I didn’t realize that you provided the bolts for the Omega Xs.

but Yes, I was referring to length of the M8 threading on the TRP cant studs, but I can figure it out tonight when I take them off.

Thanks Nick.

They finally came out! I applied some liquid wrench and had no luck myself, so I took it to my LBS to let them give it a try. They weren’t able to get it out either. I was about ready to give up and put the stock brakes back on but I decided to bring it to a different shop who is a Specialized dealer to see if they’d ever done it before. They eventually managed to get them off.

I don’t know if it was the three applications of liquid wrench or if the first shop and I were just too timid and scared of braking the frame. I’m gonna go ahead and take credit and say that I got the bolts loosened up for them.


What size super long spanner do I order? 8mm

How long to soak in wd40?



Iv just got a omega X for the front of my Shiv.

Stripped the trip off and takeling the studs.

It’s a 9mm flat, wish it was 13 as has been suggested.!

Not budging, put some gt85 round it and will let it soak.

How much are new forks :frowning: !!!

Any other suggestions welcome.

Sorted, had to buy one of these to remove them, but made short work. Expensive tool that I will probably never used again, but hey ho.

Sealey stud extractor :slight_smile:
