Release season for trisuit

I’m slowly making my plans for the 2024 race season.

I notices that most brands have very few options for their trisuits… looks like everyone only have 2023 left over (except for 1 or 2 DTC)

Any idea what is the typical release calendar… or WYSIWYG

My guess, having designed a few suits for a few different manufacturers and having been able to peek behind the manufacturing process a bit is that typically they want the new stuff on the market now.

The reality is that product needs to have been designed last fall at the latest (which would be very, very rushed for production) assuming you had production facilities already lined up overseas. Ideally it would have been ready to go last spring with final tweaks in the early summer then production starting in the fall.

That ribbed fabric you see everywhere is only made by ~ 3 companies iirc and there is often shortage of high end fabrics. Plus there is a proliferation of products using ribbed fabric of late - calf sleeves, socks, more suit brands on the market than 3 yr ago etc.

It’s also hard to go year to year redesigning a suit. You’ll see most suits stay in a 2-3-4 year cycle with just colorway updates before releasing a redone version.

If i saw the suit I wanted to race in on the market right now I would not hesitate to buy it right now.

Surpas have their new suits out - but already mostly sold out.

I asked them last Saturday to confirm the stock on the website was actually ‘in stock’. Didn’t get a response until Thursday - when to buy first thing Friday and they are gone…

So I think suits are coming, but grab them as soon as you see em…!!

Given 95% off all triathlon brands are made overseas, I respectfully want to point out only part of what you have written is accurate. In the case of the 5% (which includes us) and in the case of garments being made in-house (which as far as I know might be only us and one other company), we are constantly tweaking patterns, even if just a little by product and sometimes by one size in a product. We do so because we can. All protos, samples, and 98% of our production is done right here in San Diego.

“That ribbed fabric” is actually made by over a dozen companies from Europe alone, and over 30 companies from Asia, Mexico, and South America. This is based on my recent visit to an International textile trade show. While that ribbed fabric might look the same or similar, the feel, and performance varies an awful lot. While we do not make our own fabric in house, we are one of very few companies who have our fabric made exclusively for us. That is to say, it is to our specs, not just in appearance and fabric content, but also in the knitting process used, percentage stretch, compression, and retraction. We have had relationships with suppliers and factories that have been in place for over 30 years.

Rather than labeling collections by year or season, De Soto Sport rolls out product all year long, as soon as it is ready, sort of like Apple, We also offer complete custom designs for teams and even a team of one person. We also offer a BUILD YOUR OWN (BYO) program where you can pick your product, you size, your design, and your pad thickness. This is for trisuits and trishorts. For tops we offer similar where you choose the design, the size, and the sleeve length. We ship BYO products within 2 weeks from the date of your order. The price of the BYO is only about 10% over the MSRP.

There are 14 items to from which to choose. Click to see our offerings in BUILD YOUR OWN

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