Registering for a 2025 North American IM or 70.3 race. Are they no longer using Active and WTF is this?

I’m doing the presale registration for Texas 70.3. Is IM no longer using Active? The registration website is

I think Active sucks so good riddance if that’s the case but WTF is this shit?

USAT Bronze Membership - Single Event Access*
Your registration requires a Bronze membership (one day license) for USA Triathlon. If you are a current member, and your membership is good as of the 2025 event date, please reach out to USA Triathlon at to discuss options for a refund or credit.
USAT Bronze Membership - Single Event Access ($23.00)

You can’t continue without buying the one day license even if you have a membership valid through the 2025 date. So I have to reach out to USAT to discuss options for a refund or credit? I now have to go out of my way to get a refund for something I shouldn’t have to buy and wait for however long it will take another organization (USAT), that has also always had their head up their asses, to get around to giving me my $23?

This is bullshit.

I just fired off an email to USAT stating this places an undue burden on the both the athletes and USAT. Athletes having to seek out refunds for shit we already paid for and USAT for having to spend resources on handling emails/phone calls and processing refunds because Ironman doesn’t have their shit in order.

lol IM doesn’t do refunds even if you bought Flex90

Someone with USAT actually called me (and didn’t just email) and apologized for the issue. He said they’re working with Ironman to get IM a list of athletes with active memberships so that this will not happen in the future.

You’d think someone would’ve thought about this before going live with registrations. 🤷‍♂️

I just fired off an email to USAT stating this places an undue burden on the both the athletes and USAT. Athletes having to seek out refunds for shit we already paid for and USAT for having to spend resources on handling emails/phone calls and processing refunds because Ironman doesn’t have their shit in order.

USAT issue, but sure flame Ironman because USAT is a shit show right now.

we could always flame Vail because it’s usually their fault!

I just registered for a 70.3 and it went through Active which robbed my of $50 for clearing my credit card and added zero value.

I just fired off an email to USAT stating this places an undue burden on the both the athletes and USAT. Athletes having to seek out refunds for shit we already paid for and USAT for having to spend resources on handling emails/phone calls and processing refunds because Ironman doesn’t have their shit in order.

USAT issue, but sure flame Ironman because USAT is a shit show right now.

I fail to see how this is just USAT’s fault. Did IM reach out to USAT ahead of time regarding the new registration system? We don’t know the answer.

I said in my OP that USAT has their head up their ass too. Both of them likely screwed the pooch here.

I heartily co-sign this crossover into my winter life. (said after he renews the family IKON passes for another year…)

I just fired off an email to USAT stating this places an undue burden on the both the athletes and USAT. Athletes having to seek out refunds for shit we already paid for and USAT for having to spend resources on handling emails/phone calls and processing refunds because Ironman doesn’t have their shit in order.

USAT issue, but sure flame Ironman because USAT is a shit show right now.

I mean, this seems relatively straightforward and doesn’t seem like it’s USAT’s fault: Validate/upload/whatever a copy of your license to Ironman by time your race, or, pay the one-off fee to collect your bib/chip/etc (as obviously, Ironman is quite good at collecting money in the days leading up to a race).

That’s basically how every other entity does it, and I’m pretty sure from last year, how Ironman themselves does it for the European side.

Usat has been having some ongoing weird database issues or display issues the last couple years it seems.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if they have some integration problem with the Ironman registration website.

That’s not how it is here.

They are asking us to pay $23 every time we register and then go to USAT to get a refund. There is no option to validate and there is no way for me to enter my USAT number. I have to pay the one-day fee to register and then go to USAT to get the $$ back. Has anyone successfully received a refund or at least received commitment from USAT?

Has anyone seen any updates on this?

I was signing up for the St. George pre-sale for next year and see this is still a thing…

On that note, I was wondering if it had to do with my USAT membership expiration, which is currently October 2024.
I was going to renew my USAT membership but had 2nd thoughts…does this new pricing structure extend from my current expiration date or would I lose those 5 months and my membership would start today.

I know how it should be, but I don’t think I’m out of line to wonder if the new pricing system integrates that…

I sent USAT an email inquiring.

I sent a note to USAT as I was registering for Oceanside. I haven’t asked for my discount code yet, my annual membership expires in October. Good reminder for me to reach out and get my discount code.

Thank you for reaching out. I apologize for the inconvenience and the hassle that this has caused.
We are currently sending daily lists to Ironman for them to refund people who have an annual membership and was forced to buy a one-day membership.
Since you don’t have an active membership for the event date simply buy the one-day membership and we can create a discount code for you to use towards your next annual membership.
If you have any questions or if there’s anything else we can help you with please don’t hesitate to reach out.

I received my $23 refund two weeks later from Ironman and not USAT.

This was the follow up email from USAT:

Thank you for reaching out. Yes, we do see you listed as having a current annual membership past this 2025 Galveston date. We are working with Ironman on accommodating athletes that are forced to purchase another one-day membership.

I will be sending a queue later today with your information to Ironman so they can give you a refund for the duplicate purchase.

I’m so sorry for this inconvenience. We are working with Ironman to rectify this for athletes going forward.

If there’s anything else, I can help you with please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Different issue with the new registration process.
Signing up for IMTX 2025 and you get the option of paying all upfront or installments, over either 6 weeks (0%), or up to six months (7-18% wtf).
Website states the amount to pay in 4 bi-weekly payments and then when you continue they change the payment amounts on the next page.
I mean I’m choosing the non interest option anyway but why can’t IM stop messing with their registration setup.
and yeah got sold the “Bronze Membership” even though USAT membership goes through 2026.