Recommended routes on Fuerteventura


Next week me and my wife are going to the south of Fuertaventura and we’re going to rent road bikes. Does anyone can recommend some nice routes or even better, provide tracks?

Thanks in advance.

Never biked there, but I’m sure if you rent at playitas, which is a high performance training centre, they would be able to guide. Consider also going to Lanzarote, as it is like 30 minutes by ferry.

The place is awesome, if you like that kind of landscape. Very arid and with strong winds (this is where they brake the windsurf speed records). I would particularly recommend going to playa de cofete. It is were the last scenes of the planet of the apes were filmed, and it has an end of the world feeling.

Never biked there, but I’m sure if you rent at playitas, which is a high performance training centre, they would be able to guide. Consider also going to Lanzarote, as it is like 30 minutes by ferry.

The place is awesome, if you like that kind of landscape. Very arid and with strong winds (this is where they brake the windsurf speed records). I would particularly recommend going to playa de cofete. It is were the last scenes of the planet of the apes were filmed, and it has an end of the world feeling.

Thanks. We’ve been on Lanzarote 2 yrs ago.
Playa de Cofete is one of ours must see places!

Not sure where you’re staying (you mentioned ‘south’), we stayed at Playitas many, many years ago; there’s some good riding on the island, very varied terrain and with the island being quite small, you can cover most of it in a few days.

Here’s a few rides from Playitas that may interest you: LINK

Thanks for link, will be definitely helpful.
We’re going to Costa Calma, 30 km on south from Las Playitas.


Next week me and my wife are going to the south of Fuertaventura and we’re going to rent road bikes. Does anyone can recommend some nice routes or even better, provide tracks?

Thanks in advance.

I took my bike there in 99 on holiday when I was training for IM Klagenfurt. I can’t remember the routes but I do remember crappy tarmac and very windy. The main road (at least back then) was very rough and sketchy with traffic so I would avoid it as much as you can.

No longer true. Roads are in good condition. Wind remains strong though.