Rebel Moon

Your time will be better spent swiping right and looking for something else to watch. No wonder Lucas Film turned it down. It’s a steaming pile of crap.

Unless you’re a fan of The Seven Samuari/Magnificent 7 and need to see the story in space.

I think there was another thread on it, but I watched it last week. It sucked. Overtly derivative, bad writing, bad script and boring.


Horrifically bad
Derivative is a compliment; more like outright theft.

Your time will be better spent swiping right and looking for something else to watch. No wonder Lucas Film turned it down. It’s a steaming pile of crap.

Unless you’re a fan of The Seven Samuari/Magnificent 7 and need to see the story in space.

Terrible. My wife’s pick so I kept my mouth shut…until the bio break where she suggested stopping the movie because it was so bad. I voted finish at 45min left as what the hell. Waste of the additional 45min. We are Zack Snyder movie fans so we were quite disappointed. We watched The Watchmen last night to clean the bad taste out of our mouths…

I think there was another thread on it, but I watched it last week. It sucked. Overtly derivative, bad writing, bad script and boring.


A derivative thread is fitting.

Sort of wooden acting to add to the list, particularly from the lead actress. When you’re sort of hoping for the evil henchman to kick her ass you know the hero’s character development didn’t go well.

Also a drive-the-bus-through plot flaw with the planet Sharaan. While on planet Sharaan they guilt-trip the rebel group there into helping the farming community. All the while being perfectly aware that Noble and King’s Gaze were due at Sharaan any moment, likely following the farmers. So the guilt trip works on half the rebel faction, and Sharaan left undefended by fighter aircraft is immediately and completely barbecued. And there’s no indication by anyone - Bloodaxe rebels or the farmers that - that they feel the slightest bit of regret for basically leading Sharaan undefended in the face of a straight-up genocide.

The right thing to do given the knowledge they had was for Kora to leak their location to Noble so they’d lead King’s Gaze away from Sharaan, and give that planet time to either evacuate or build up defenses.

That said, I didn’t mind it all that much as mindless entertainment.

I enjoyed it. Which watch part 2 when it drops.

I enjoyed it. Which watch part 2 when it drops.

I watched it on the trainer. It was fine for two rides. Felt committed after 1.

Part 2 hits 4/19/2024. Apparently there will be an R rated directors cut too.

One of the things that bothered me most, and not sure why, was that the main bad guy was dressed up in very obvious nazi dress uniform and when he took his formals off, was spitting image of a skinhead from head to toe. Just thought it was super lazy writing and costuming to depict the other universe in nazi skinhead attire.


Just thought it was super lazy writing and costuming to depict the other universe in nazi skinhead attire.


Agree, the Nazi aesthetic was over the top.

Speaking of lazy, GM SUVs with minimal cosmetic cladding as the futuristic vehicles. I feel for the future…though good to know the internal combustion engine still has legs.

Part 2 hits 4/19/2024. Apparently there will be an R rated directors cut too.

Yes all 3 that are coming are in the can… I never got into directors cuts with movies, doing them when streaming seems even more desperate.

I guess, the rumor is Netflix had hoped this would launch a well basically universe i guess, plans for spin-offs character back stories etc. Rumor is those have been shelved.

I don’t get it got a story plan it out and tell it. Don’t tell me half of it with plans to go back and tell more if people are interested.

Its been one of the things I thought Streaming was doing well with mini-series, sorry old term, forgot what they call them now, limited episodes.

Maybe I just don’t get as wrapped up in the details, didn’t make any connection to nazi’s or skin heads when I watched it. Maybe cause I just join the world of the movie, and don’t really think about reality, or the past. I am there to hear the story being told.

Trivia: which two Rebel Moon actors played the same character in different seasons of the same series?

Trivia: which two Rebel Moon actors played the same character in different seasons of the same series?

Kind of cheating because I read an article (listicle?) that mentioned it, but the Noble and Gunnar actors both played Daario in GoT.

Hmm. So kind of Star Wars meets the Seven Samurai with touches of the Borg Queen, Nazis, Avatar/GoT, LOTR and maybe some stuff I missed (because it’s not quite good enough to make me put my phone down).

Oh - and the pseudo lightsabers have just arrived.

All in all, for a brain out way to spend the afternoon of NYD, I’d give it a thumbs up.

I thought it was horrible. I couldn’t understand why all of the individual fighters were joining their cause. And how did they expect to take on the bad guys, when they returned to pick up the farmers crops, with only 5-6 of them?

Was talking with a friend about this… Realized I got Foundation and this confused.

Yeah, to me this had just a lot of unexplained, like what the F - was the whole spider lady thing. And well so many other odd things.

I thought it was horrible. I couldn’t understand why all of the individual fighters were joining their cause. And how did they expect to take on the bad guys, when they returned to pick up the farmers crops, with only 5-6 of them?

That’s the illogicality/nobility of the seven samurai/magnificent seven though. It makes zero sense if you think about it. But it’s entertaining enough if you don’t.

I thought it was horrible. I couldn’t understand why all of the individual fighters were joining their cause. And how did they expect to take on the bad guys, when they returned to pick up the farmers crops, with only 5-6 of them?

I can imagine you at the Boston Tea Party.

“Bros, we have no organized military whatsoever, and we’re supposed to take on the freaking British Empire? They’re going to come here and wipe the floor with us little farmers and our muskets. Let’s just pay the damn taxes.”

It’s fantastically bad. I could not believe how laughable the entire plot was. It took forever to get going and then it went too fast. So fast that the actions of the characters made no sense and were totally out of context. The dialogue was worse than George Lucas dialogue. And the completely unnecessary slow motion, give me a break!

I shut it off 3/4 of the way through. Didn’t make sense, didn’t care about any of the characters, and shouldn’t have been made.