REally refreshing addition to hydration drinks

A few months ago I had some Stash lemon spice tea that I was trying to use up. I added some to some Gatorade and WOW? I’ve since tried the same with Stash Green Chai tea that my daughter left behind and Constant Comment Green Tea. I have added this to Gatorade and Cytomax. On hot days this is so refreshing it is unbelievable. It does taste better with the Gatorade. I’m gonna try this with some other hydration drinks. I just add the brewed tea to the crystals to get them into solution, then I add more water or water and ice. TRY THIS!

I’ve been doing this for years.

My race day drink is a combination of Extran and Nestea instant tea mix. It’s great, adds a little bit of caffeine to the mix, and is still in powder form.


I just learned that Cytomax is the on-course drink of the Mighty Man 1/2 iron. I’m not sure I’ve ever tried Cytomax, and I’m wondering waht I’m in for. Basically, I pretty receptive to most on-course drinks, so I don’t expect a big problem. K-Town Long Course had e-load, which i had never tried before the race, anD that worked nicely. Anything I should know about Cytomax?

(By the by, your tea trick is very intriguing, and I will try it soon.)

I add enough Salt to increase the Sodium content to 15mg/oz. It is lower than most drinks. I think it otherwise works well.

…My race day drink is a combination of Extran and Nestea instant tea mix. It’s great, adds a little bit of caffeine to the mix, and is still in powder form.

The spices futher add the the refreshment.