Real Tri Running

There has been lots of talk recently about running in tris and how to improve it. Have a look at the slide-show at Simon Whitfield’s Blog ( scroll to bottom of page) of two recent track workouts that he and the lads have done in Victoria to fine tune their form for the ITU World Championships. They are great sequences!

Yes they are running very fast in these pics( about 62 per 400 or about 4:05 mile pace), but note the range of motion and economy of movement. Few are going to ever run this fast in a race or workout, but it’s a good visual to keep in mind no matter how fast you are running.

Makes me feel slow just looking at the pics :wink:

Makes me feel slow just looking at the pics

Glass half full or half empty?

You can take it either way. Be inspired. As I said, these are great visual images to keep in our heads when we are running.

Many rec runners and triathletes would do well to insert ANY kind of faster paced running into their programs - even 5 - 6 X 100m, at something less than 5K race pace with an easy walk in between. When you do that think of Simon and the lads flowing around the track.

Personally the first thing I noticed was how much they all drop their arms. Compare to this:

Personally the first thing I noticed was how much they all drop their arms.


Good point. Perhaps it was the hard 5000m swim workout that they did before they hit the track!

Still it’s great stuff to look at.

Whitfield is in the best shape of his life. He is really on a roll.

or it might be the fact that the coach who came up with the sessions (not the one actually giving the sessions) they are doing also likes athletes to keep their arms lower. let’s just say that i am under the impression that joel has adopted more than a few things from said coach, as he should.


And that coach is?

I recall being told back when I was running in the 70’s by one of the very best distance running coaches in Canada at the time that when the arm swings through, you should be mimicing the action of putting your hand in your pocket. This will keep the arms lower over all, if you think about this.

seems to work for him

The first thing I thought was some of those dudes need to get a tan

the lesser the tan the fitter the dude.


And that coach is?

I recall being told back when I was running in the 70’s by one of the very best distance running coaches in Canada at the time that when the arm swings through, you should be mimicing the action of putting your hand in your pocket. This will keep the arms lower over all, if you think about this.
Is that jacket pockets or short pockets?
I think the real question is, why are they chasing the pygmy girl???


The first thing I thought was some of those dudes need to get a tan

They’re all darker than me!

How many Kenyans have won the triathlon gold medal? Or won any triathon ever for that matter?


He was inferring why didn’t SW run like the Kenyans with dropped arms, etc. Or at least that’s how I read it.

How many Ironmans has Lance won? Stadler doesn’t ride with a slack position…


Great stuff, thanks for the link. I’ve started to incorporate ‘real’ track workouts (6x800, 8x600, etc.) into my regimen lately and am seeing real results. And its fun!

I am now incorporating a 3 x 5k set (@ half-marathon pace/ 5 min rest between 5Ks) ever 2 or 3 weeks (Hope to be at 4x5k in October). I am using for pacing for the half but it worked great for my last Olympic TRI run.

How many Kenyans have won the triathlon gold medal? Or won any triathon ever for that matter?

Exactly. And lets also not consider Phelps’ swim style or how Levi TTs. They haven’t done tris either, after all.